I am kinda new to this, so this code may not be pretty. It was the best I could do to demonstrate this surprise.
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public class RadioTest {
public int orderType=1; // move by default
public double destX = 25;
public double destY = 25; //middle of the board
public int[] radio = new int[4]; // we'll use this to communicate with other bots
public Object think(final double dx, final double dy, final double x, final double y, final boolean moving, final int terrain, final int ourID, final int ourType, final double hp, final double maxHP, final double range, final double time, final double[] objX, final double[] objY, final int[] objID, final int[] objFaction, final int[] objType, final int[][] incomingRadio) {
if (moving) return null;
/* the next condition will not be met when you expect. If "return null" is used
as in this example, it will never be met. If only "return this" is used bots
stutterstep due to new order delay. If you combine them, you get the worst of
both, bots twitching around with thier radios off and on based on what you
returned last. */
if ( radio[0] == 1 && incomingRadio.length > 5) {//if you are a transmitter, and there are more than 5 radios on
orderType = 1; //move to the center of the board when the condition is met.
return this;
/* Here is more proof of whats going on. the only bots eligable to move to the
center are ones that set a transmitting flag. that can ONLY happen if they see
no one else transmitting. if you change the condition to "return this" where I
suggest it below, you willsee some of the newly created bots moving toward the
center. that means no radio transmissions were detected when they were finished
being built. */
if ( incomingRadio.length == 0 || radio[0] == 1 ) {//if no one is transmtting, or if I am transmitting
orderType = 2; //stop
radio[0] = 1; // transmitting flag
radio[2] = (int) x; // transmit this bots location
radio[3] = (int) y; // transmit this bots location
return this;
}else{//someone is transmitting
radio[0] = 2; //listening flag set
int lowestTransmitterID = 10000;
int lowestTransmitterReference = 10000;
for (int i = 0; i < incomingRadio.length; i++) {//check the transmitters
int[] ir = incomingRadio[i];
if (ir[1] == 1 && (ir[0] < lowestTransmitterID)) {
lowestTransmitterID = ir[0];
lowestTransmitterReference = i;
}// now we know the id and reference of the lowest transmitter
if (radio[1] != lowestTransmitterID){// our second radio element doesnt match the lowest transmitters ID
radio[1] = lowestTransmitterID; // remember and transmit the ID of this transmitter
destX = incomingRadio[lowestTransmitterReference][3]; // set aim on the transmitted location
destY = incomingRadio[lowestTransmitterReference][4]; // set aim on the transmitted location
orderType = 1; //move
return this;
}else{//it does match, we are following the right transmitter
/* Here we have a problem. "return null;" shuts the radio off as long as
the transmitter is in range. "return this;" turns it on, but reissues the move
order. once it starts moving agin, it can't continue without returning null,
shutting the radio off again ~3 time units later. (I think the radio is on
during the order delay penalty. If it isn't, then its only .4 time later.)*/
return null; // carry on
public int build(final double dx, final double dy, final double x, final double y, final int terrain, final int id, final int buildItem, final double hp, final double maxHP, final double time, final double[] objX, final double[] objY, final int[] objID, final int[] objFaction, final int[] objType, final int[][] incomingRadio) {
radio[0] = 333; radio[2] = 25 ; radio[3] = 25;
if (buildItem != 0) return 0;
if (time < 30) return 2;
return 1;