What's mean to hack ?

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What's mean to hack ?

Post by macros »

Hi all! Can anybody explain me what is mean to hack? Maybe, to collate the password of administrator? Or to get access to all of site? I not quite what is it mean. Can I speaking with any hacker in PM or in ICQ about it ? Phanks...
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Post by WhiteKnight »

It is in any purpose you want it to be, but the most common is to gain access over the computer externally and internally.
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Post by Hydra »

Hack is meaning a person who have the abilities to modified a part of code to make program do something can't be do by self. Hack is not bad word. If you have experience in computer programming. Hack is a good word. So to gain access to password from some web site. You need study more about programming and security. It not hard but is not easy to hack.

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Post by Grand_Master »

To hack basically means to manipulate electronics (software, hardware, padlocks, telephones, etc.) in a desired way.
It means pretty much, actually.
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Post by The_Dark_Avenger »

Suppose you have an operating system which you can relatively easy modify... You are "playing" with this code, recompiling different programs, adding your own programs e.t.c. (actually, I'm talking about linux)... This is hacking...
Or you've got an open source game... You not only play it, but you modify the code, add elements, modify it... You are hacking it...
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