Need some help to solve 'More Dastardly' challenge..

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Need some help to solve 'More Dastardly' challenge..

Post by dorahan »

I wonder how to solve this challenge... i've no idea... please need your hints to solve it. What does the words "reverse the one-way" mean anyway? i don't understand. thanks.
~� dorahan �~
HkRkoz al KuwaiT 2019 HaCkEr 101
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Post by Xeyes »

It's a Hash, find out which type and crack it
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Post by martin_great_boy »

i already solve this changlle maybe u can use software john the ripper
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Post by dorahan »

Yeah... i've solved it too.. I'd tried to follow the way which is shown in this video

I have followed the way he crack the hash...
I save the code in notepad format which name is damn.txt So i run it with JTR as the movie said, and i type this such thing as same as in the video (be adjusted with my directory address):

C:\john171w\john1701\run>john-386 damn.txt

But the words which appeared is: "No password hashes loaded"

Code: Select all

C:\john171w\john1701\run>john-386 damn.txt
No password hashes loaded

I'd already downloaded 3 versions of JTR but they show the same result like that...

Finally, i tried to search it in Google which keyword is 'hash reverser'. I got the link which i needed. So easy, it was only to copy - paste the codes and click reverse button... the answer would appear.

- Special thanks to Xeyes and martin_great_boy -

~� dorahan �~
HkRkoz al KuwaiT 2019 HaCkEr 101
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Post by rain1024 »

I solved it :D
Many thanks to dorahan
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Post by karsmars »

Although I sort of understand the concept of a hash, I don't know how it applies to this program.

Can you give a better explained hint?

:?: Thanks
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