Can't understand "Trip to the past"

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Post by uws8505 »

The wiki link seems to not work, but if I remember correctly there is actually one that works in the list of user agent strings. Maybe you can make an educated guess with the earlier posts in this thread.
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Post by BadCop »

link fixed (there was a dot too much)

For example, i tried the oldest browswer. The page said Hello anonymous User...
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Post by nahnoe »

Not all browsers have identified themselves... Which was the first to do this?
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Post by moose »

So this is not about I checked, but they have no (different) information about this page.
I just like to check this, as the challenge might have gotten impossible to solve.
edit: Never mind, it was not the wayback machine. The challenge is still (easy) solvable.
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Post by bodjo »

there is too many browsers and too many versions to choose from and just gessing the right one won't work
I think I am not good enough in gessing answers :?
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Post by shantz »

The first browaser was W************ and I found one single UA for it.... but ofcourse => not working.
Is this browser still available for download? ( for linux )
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Post by Nudin »

some tipps:
- It's not the first browser and not the first version of the browser
- The OS doesn't count.
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Post by molkemon »

Imo this challenge is pretty dumb. I mean almost everyone knows immediatly what to do, yet the most logical solutions are not working and you have to resort to guess one right answer out of many. This could be changed to make more sense...
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Well, like most of you I thought I'd go for the obvious choices but none of them worked, I think I manually tried around 10 user-agents before I got bored.

So instead I found a list of user-agents in XML format, and made a parser for them in python - which basically just walked through the list and tried them against the server - the old brute force attempt.

It gave me nothing. 2459 values, and nothing. Need to check my code for problems.
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Post by AMindForeverVoyaging »

PM_ME_YOUR_MUMS wrote:Well, like most of you I thought I'd go for the obvious choices
What is not obvious about the first result that comes up when you search the web for "user agent string history"?
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