Mortal coil level 25 unsolvable

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Mortal coil level 25 unsolvable

Post by 0xDEAD BEEF »

Level 25 is unsolvable in web-game.


Is this by design?
Or am I missing some rule?

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Post by Tron »

This board is solvable.
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Post by binarylv »

I can't solve it neither...


Edit: Solved... Passed wrong board to the script (wrote "x" instead of one of "X").
Last edited by binarylv on Thu Aug 18, 2011 7:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by 0xDEAD BEEF »

I am telling this because I really failed to solve it! ;)
left bottom corner - cleary exit position.
right bottom square where three paths meet - imposible to solve.
Could you post sollution please?
I am already past level 25 (solved another puzzle by hand).

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Post by Tron »

The start is at x=9 y=7
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Post by martinsm »

My brute force solver finds solution immediately.
As Tron said - start is at x=9, y=7.
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Post by 0xDEAD BEEF »

You are right. It was obvious but I ignored it all the time! Feel free to delete this topic.
Thank you!
Edit: I guess - challange here is to let PC solve the puzzle.. :D
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Post by AMindForeverVoyaging »

0xDEAD BEEF wrote:Feel free to delete this topic.
Not gonna happen - not even spam gets deleted here. ;)
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Post by binarylv »

0xDEAD BEEF wrote:Edit: I guess - challange here is to let PC solve the puzzle.. :D
Well... That's what is written here ;)
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Post by 0xDEAD BEEF »

Last night my brute force solution reached level 62, but it was never stored in server (top rank) althought I used my user name (0xdead beef) and password.
Is there some catch here? Do I have to reuse browser cookies?

Edit: how do I specify that I want to get some specific level?

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Post by binarylv »

I think it should be enough with sending "?name=0xdead%20beef&password=yourPassword&path=DRU&x=1&y=2". Try "0xdead%20beef" or "0xdead+beef" as username. If using POST, try sending username and password with POST data (rather than as URL). If username or password is incorrect, it should give you an error message rather than HTML with data about new level. Double-check that you use "name" argument and not "user" or "username" - I've mixed them few times and got no error message, so that might be the problem in your case too.

As for cookies, I never send them - it's enough with username, password, x, y and path (or qpath, as described here by Tron).

To specify the level, check what "Go To Level" button does :) Keep in mind that it regenerates the level, i.e., if you request the level, do not repeat it when posting the result.
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Post by 0xDEAD BEEF »

Thats's strange because if I do not use cookies then I keep getting first level all the time. Anyways - using cookies makes sense, because - how would page otherwise know - to which level I am sending solution (I use GET). However - as I said - I was able to proceed to level 62 (using cookies), but as you see, server has not recorded that.
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Post by binarylv »

Try sending username and password instead of a cookie.

Server will know the level because you send your username and password with the solution, and server keeps track of "currently selected level" (either manually selected or the level that comes after last solved level) for each user.

Edit: Here's another user that failed to use cookies, so you're not the first to have this problem ;)
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Post by 0xDEAD BEEF »

"Try sending username and password instead of a cookie. "

That was my first aproach.
GET username=...&password=...
parse html, get board, solve
GET username=...&password=...&x=...&y=...&path=...
Server allways responded with "stupid solution".

So I enabled cookies between these both GETs. It started working. I reached level 62. But when I come to web page, it still shows only my manualy solved levels available and also I am not in rank.

Maybe my username with space is bad???
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Post by binarylv »

0xDEAD BEEF wrote: That was my first aproach.
GET username=...&password=...
Maybe my username with space is bad???
Read one more time...
binarylv wrote:I think it should be enough with sending "?name=0xdead%20beef&password=yourPassword&path=DRU&x=1&y=2". Try "0xdead%20beef" or "0xdead+beef" as username. (..) Double-check that you use "name" argument and not "user" or "username" - I've mixed them few times and got no error message, so that might be the problem in your case too.
I think spaces in URL should not be a problem as long as you encode it properly.
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