Hints for "Keep Digging Challenge"

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Hints for "Keep Digging Challenge"

Post by chrjue »

Well, subject tells it: Somebody's got Tipps for the challenge?

I dug deep in the file itself and found nothing suspicious, so i guess the code has something to do with the positions of arms and legs - but what? :?:
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Post by MerickOWA »

The title and any text provided are clues to this one.
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Post by chrjue »

Thanks, i guess that tipp will help me with some other challenges, too... :roll:

Still no idea.
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Post by MerickOWA »

Depending on what you read, this is a famous cypher.
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Post by chrjue »

what i read is that it should be a clue to vitally important case. Sounds like CSI. If i had to solve it in time, I'd have failed. If time should be a hint towards positions of arms and legs, it makes no sense. Clock has 12 positions, the men just 8.

If this is a famous cipher in the real world, i never heard about it (and i heard about a lot!), if it is famous at hacker.org, i understand why.

Must have missed some subtleness and spotted a dead end...
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Post by MerickOWA »

Yea, I'll admit that I almost didn't get this one.

I just happened to google it correctly and find a website that explain it. After reading about it, I recognized it and what the clue meant.

I'm not really sure what kinda hint to give without giving it away. CSI was a good guess, but too recent ;) Maybe that will help.
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Post by coderT »

Well, I guess a detective novel fan would be able to solve this real quick.
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Post by liquidacid »

I think i'm on the right track. Am I close when I say its more related to a fat man with a shadow than csi?
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Post by wannabe »

I really have to say that this one isn't easy. I don't want to hear the answer, but I still have some Questions. First of all, do I need to know "detective novel's" or CSI or something like that to solve this one? "Keep digging" sorta makes me think I need to surf the challenge, until I fould a propor homepage, is that the write track? Can I solve this problem without searching the internet, looking for symbols matching the bodies?
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Post by gfoot »

I solved it without knowing the reference, and without using the internet, so yes it's possible. I still don't know much about the reference now!
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Post by wannabe »

Thanks for the fast answer gfoot. I will try it without the internet now.
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Post by Masti6 »

If no hint is given about HOW to solve this challenge, how is it even possible?
There are hundreds of ways of how to take a look at this picture
i.e. Comparing to cave paintings, reading the bytes, translating the bytes, changing the format, decrypting the bytes, ETC!
So if one could give a tip about WHAT TO USE to solve this challenge, it would at least be more informative than;
"If this were a time challenge would you solve it in time" ... No?!
You're doing it wrong, oh great Challenge M4k3r.
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Post by Karian »

Since the challenge is displaying "569 solvers", it certainly is possible. This is a crypto challenge, that means you have to find the hidden message.

In a war, if you intercept an encrypted message from the ennemy, you usually also don't have the instructions to read the message. The only thing there is to do is break the code.

One suggestion, since there are so many solvers, I wouldn't look to far, so I wouldn't look for all the fyle/byte manipulation suggestions you are giving.
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Post by CornyNussig »

I think i know what it is. Probably i use a wrong format for the answer. But i don't want to spoil anything, so can i ask one of the solvers per private message?
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Post by AMindForeverVoyaging »

If you find the origin of this code, pretty much no misinterpretation is possible. coderT gave a good hint.
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