Ping flooding

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Post by nipundavid »

i m new too bt i m in... 8)
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Post by baha'a »

nipundavid wrote:i m new too bt i m in... 8)
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Post by 0042 »

nipundavid wrote:i m new too bt i m in... 8)
...doesn't anyone read through a topic anymore? *throws BanHammer at you*

Look Baha'a! More cannonfodder!! *loads N00bCannon* Wh3333!!!
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Post by baha'a »

you know Jennifer maybe we should try to help him because depending on his posts in different threads I think he could be saved :)

look my friend nipundavid what you are trying to do is silly as Paradox said imagine someone goes to jail because he wrote three lines of code

hacking is an art, I don't mean breaking into servers or PCs but the art of gaining the knowledge and knowing every thing about something and how it works and knowing how to utse this knowledge to do what ever you want good people use it to do good things and other people use it to harm others but anyway the path to get there on the good or the bad side is learning and practicing I know that I'm a noob compared to lots of guys here but I loving the way to get there.
hope you know what I'm talking about.

and I hope that we are not cracking your head with all this and you are just joking with your reply :lol:
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Post by 0042 »

Hmm... well if he turns from the Dark Side, I won't shoot him to Siberia...

Listen nipun, the difference between Hackers and Crackers is like the difference between an Army officer and a Terrorist.

Both know how to blow up a building, but only one actually uses that knowledge. (Hint: it's not the Army grunt!)

Hackers and Crackers both have the knowledge to take down the internet. Crackers are the only ones who actually use that knowledge.

Hacker = Jedi
Cracker = Sith

Stay away from the Dark Side young padawan!! *bows and leaves*
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Post by nipundavid »

what i hav done guys??

thanx for the example of terrorist. i have understood the difference between terrorists and army but what i have done..????

i don't want to harm anyone i m just a student. and i want to learn

thats all...
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Post by baha'a »

never mind nothing happened yet but haven't you read PaRaDoX reply:
PaRaDoX wrote:No.

Any newbie that sees this should not be fooled, its a stupid (and potentially illegal depending on target + local laws) way of doing things, and is not a good learning experience. All you learn is how to loop a ping command, gg.

If you end up disrupting anything large, you'll be a pretty cool kid, known as the stupid fag who got himself put in jail for typing in 3 lines of code.

That would be an interesting story to tell your inmates.

Your time is better spent earning yourself a Darwin award for sleeping on railroad tracks.

that's why it looked very weird to come and say you are in
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Post by CodeX »

He could have been in with the kite flying, as he probably came to this thread through your link which was to that area which I think missed out about the ping flooding. I think I've got time to do it next Wednesday if that's all right for everyone else.
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Post by 0042 »

Oh sry. Yeah I meant the original topic.

Speaking of which...

This topic is boring.
It's now about HTML/XHTML!!! ^^
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Post by CodeX »

bla [ur=]bla[/url] bla, that's that topic and done with in no time at all.
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Post by 0042 »

CodeX wrote:bla [ur=]bla[/url] bla, that's that topic and done with in no time at all.
My friend Amaroq showed me that!! It's my main tool for learning JavaScript!

That site is love!! <3
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Post by Aghamemnon »

I like hacking
destroying is enjoyable for me just tell me what to write
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Post by jeetee »

@Aghamemnon: Although I do like your eagerness to learn, I'd like you to remember one thing very well:
Disassembling and analysing things, investigating their nature, in order to understand them and use that knowledge in new/original ways (one might indeed call this exploiting) is far from equal to destroying things.

IMO hacking isn't just an activity, it's more a way of (/ view on) life. It is striving to think out of the box, even for ordinairy things. It's being intrigued by the logic (if there is any) of the world and the society that we live in.
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Wow, how old a topic, how eternal its contents

Post by GeorgeTI »

Well, I rejoined the fray after like 1 year of absence (working in the army is a bitch, working in the Navy is bitch cubed) I stumbled upon this little (or not so) thread and it reminded myself a few months earlier. I have to admit, I saw so much of myself there it is almost funny. Well, where should I start?
Let's try the beginning.
-Trying to launch a DoS attack with a ping flood won't work on any server with medium bandwidth or more. Do a bit of math; if you can download from a server at 700 Kbps, this server has probably the capacity to withstand a ping flood from quite more than just 30 users (plus the ping command doesn't cause so much traffic, especially in TCP protocol. UDP is another story however).
-Trying to launch an attack directly at the server is no good either, because the admin can simply block your ip addresses. How many of you know how to spoof them?
-More efficient methods can be used if you have the proper intel. What sites does this server host? What kind of sites are they? Can they be exploited? etc. etc.
-Different strategies can be also used. Why attack the server yourself, when you can just remote to another box with better bandwidth access and let it do the dirty job? Or even try to penetrate the server itself?
And now comes down one thing I learned about hacking:
-If you wonder what all this things above are and start studying, you will start walking the path, the rough and narrow path to knowledge. And you know what? When you reach the end, you will realize that you have better things to do with your time than trying to bring a server down, even if you are now able to. Self-teaching, patience, curiosity and persistence are key virtues to this path. Whether you choose the lawful or chaotic, the good or evil side, it is up to you. (yea, there are lawful evil hackers ---> corporate attackers and such)
-If, on the other hand, just say "Nah, I'll just skip to the good stuff" you are just becoming a script kiddie, and you are bound to do something stupid (and caught right away) sooner or later, and you will always be using anything ready-made, every tool that you find, without even knowing what it does- does that ring a bell? Yep, you will be downloading every virus, trojan or worm that is on the market, you won't know how to operate most of your tools, and even those that you have a *slight* idea will be used totally ineffectively. Why I say so? Because I had almost been there - thank Google and the "What is a hacker" search I did that night.
Anyone else to add to this matter?
George T. I.
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