Ping Of Death (BATCH)

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Ping Of Death (BATCH)

Post by Trogue »

hia all im back i was wondering how i can make a POD attack in a BAT file?
Plaese and thank you!
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Post by plope0726 »

Well ping of death is simply sending a icmp packet that is beyond the maximum size a computer can handle. which is something like 65000 bytes. So use the ping command making the packet size really bitch and put that in a batch file. ofcourse windows wont let you send ping packets over a certain size
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Post by Trogue »

oviously the ping command doesnt send enoghue packets tio nuke it so what can i do
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Post by plope0726 »

Well its not that you are sending a lot of packets. It only takes one that is oversized.

check this out

Under command prompt in Windows you would use the ping command with the -l switch to set the size

example: ping -l [packet size] [destination address]

in other systems like linux you can use man ping to show the manual which would give you the switches to use and what they do. I'm not familiar with which switches are used in linux, they might be the same.

BTW Windows sets the maximum packet size at 65500 bytes
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Post by Zaffron »

POD is such an out dated method of suppression that it doesn't even work any more. It might have worked maybe 5 years ago (MAYBE) but definitely not now. You really think a duo core processor will care if it gets an extra 65500 bytes??
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Post by plope0726 »

You are right Zaffron, that it's outdated and likely won't work. But it has less to do with the processor and more to do with protocol. It receives more information than is intended and causes a kind of buffer overflow. And with out proper checking the packet can get through and cause the system to crash. Kind of like entering too much information in an applications input so what's extra gets sent to memory which can be command or just garbage. Of course most networks if not all of them now are designed to drop packets that are overly large.
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Post by Liidian »

plope0726 wrote:You are right Zaffron, that it's outdated and likely won't work. But it has less to do with the processor and more to do with protocol. It receives more information than is intended and causes a kind of buffer overflow. And with out proper checking the packet can get through and cause the system to crash. Kind of like entering too much information in an applications input so what's extra gets sent to memory which can be command or just garbage. Of course most networks if not all of them now are designed to drop packets that are overly large.
Zaffron wrote: POD is such an out dated method of suppression that it doesn't even work any more. It might have worked maybe 5 years ago (MAYBE) but definitely not now. You really think a duo core processor will care if it gets an extra 65500 bytes??
Actually i would say that PoD burns a computer core.. my way too express it.
This method can't become outdated, because no computer can handle it.. there is no way too change this fact... exept making computers n the networks better so they can handle more.

but infact i would recommend you too use a FPS ram burning technic insteed.
Because about 90% of all computer users play games, so why not make a file telling the computer too go with a console FPS of max 600 this will make the computer try getting up too that level and destroy all it's ram memory.
Thanks you for listening ^^
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Post by plope0726 »

Liidian, you don't know what you're talking about. I suggest you do a little more research before you make retarded statements like this. The attack is outdated because it's so easy to mitigate the threat. Second, "90% of all computer users play games"... you know 90% of statistics are made up on the spot too. I don't know where you get your information but you should use another source. It has little do with the processors speed and a lot to do with the Network protocol.
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Post by koolpop0 »

Havent heard of POD but i will write the most obvious way to dos some one

cd \
title Educational DOS script!
color 4
echo off
echo starting Program....I don't take responsibility in your criminal record you may or may not receive.
ping -n 3 localhost >null
echo Make sure you changed (Target) to the ip your testing on...
ping -n 3 localhost >null
Ping -t -l 50000 (Target)
goto a

This will ping the selected target in till a timeout occurs

if your attacking your self then put in for the target: localhost

This is only for educational purposes only i don't take any responsible for you getting in trouble... Got it?


All you have to do is copy and paste this into a notepad and then simply save it as dos.bat

***Make sure you change target to the ip you want to test!!!***

then click on it a couple of times and wait till a time out occurs...
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Post by Zaffron »

DOS and POD are the same thing to my knowledge, and oops with the processor speed thing. You're right plope
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Post by plope0726 »

Zaffron wrote:DOS and POD are the same thing to my knowledge, and oops with the processor speed thing. You're right plope
PoD (Ping of Death) is a type of DoS attack. There are tons of other ways to perform a Denial of Service. Regardless of the method, the end result is preventing legitimate traffic to and from the target. :)
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Post by Zaffron »

yeh that^^^
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