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Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 11:50 am
by 0.Dark.Thought
I Have a Question, About Questions.

Now that I have given up with trying to crack everything and moved onto being an actual hacker, I am immersed into a world of knowledge beyond my belief. I've read articles about "How To Become A Hacker", The Jargon Files, HTML & CSS instructions, and many other articles. I also look to the discussions on this index and learn even more.

But sometimes I don't Understand what some of you are saying, so I quote and ask a question.

Is that OK? I'm not sure if you guys get annoyed by that or if you expect me to look it up myself. If it is annoying or if I should do my own research and quit asking questions please forgive me and tell me.

If not then (also reply), I'll gladly keep asking questions and learn more and more.

There is just so much information here I cant wait to get on everyday and check new posts or replies.

Maybe I'm Guilty of Curiosity. :?:

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 4:33 pm
by MerickOWA
Nothing is wrong with questions when you really desire to know and understand the answer not just as a tool to be used but as an idea to build other ideas off.

Its annoying to get the questions when it is a "how to ..." and the person asking doesn't really care about the answer or even want to know WHY that is the correct or better answer. They just want to follow the steps like a robot to "hack" (so they think).

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 5:04 pm
by canine