Suggestion for "The Hacker's Server"

Discussion about's server
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What do you think about the idea of using a sticky note, to clean up the forum and anwere the newbies all questions in one affective way?

Good, implement it on the forum.
No good idea, it's a part of the newbies learning-process.
I can't see the problem, that this post is speaking of.
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Suggestion for "The Hacker's Server"

Post by Grand_Master »

I'm really tired of all those wannabes that tells everyone to help them "hack"(crack) email accounts and similiar.
The forum is spammed with those kind of things.

I know that hacking isn't really far from cracking. But the nature of these questions are just irritating subjects of the forum.
(For example no serious programmer would ask: How do I program an operative system? Those wannabes gives that kind of questions about cracking.)

If the administrator don't want to kick/ban members of the forum, please take my suggestion anyway.
Use one of those "sticky notes" with a topic that really makes the wannabes check it out.
A sticky note with topic "One general way to hack every thing" or something.

Make this post contain the basics of common sense.
We wont help them to crack their friends e-mail account.
We can't teach them to be a hacker/programmer/cracker, in a few posts (and even if we could, we wouldn't spend that much time to do it.)
Explain that they must do years of studys and trainging and that this forum is't a mercenary center.
Teach them to use google, teach them what the need to teach theirselves, teach them what kind of questions that the more serious forum members are willing to answere.

All of the above, are written in nummerous posts, by different peoples, already.
Please make such a sticky note. I think it would help to hold this forum clean(er).


Maybe I'm just frustrated, but at the time I write the above it sounds pretty required.

To make a statistic view of who sees what I just described as a problem, and thinks my sollusion at least partly would solve the problem, and those who not, please answere poll.
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Post by 0.Dark.Thought »

i agree, when i first got on this site i was a wannabe cracker, and now ive learned that CRACKERS ARE LOSERS with no lives and have as little or less effect on the world than does a small frustrated monkey in a cage.

Crackers make a bad name for hackers:

Do They Mean Hugs For CRACKERS? Ignorant SOBz
Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance.
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