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To the one who used to be spyman (currently 2pac)

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 4:08 am
by web punk
2pac you dumbass piece of crap! Why don't you go out & join a forum for someone like you (doubt one exists that would take you ) but put out some effort you queer little kid! What makes you think anyone anywhere would ever want to hear you stupid meaningless ramblings?! Try going somewhere that you can belong. So do us all a favor GET THE HELL LOST!! This forum would do better without you you know it & so does everyone else. stop yelling at Jackkrauser & stop hating Hell Hackers just because they are better than you (well that & you can't join hahaha)... So here is a thought why don't you go jump in your mom's minivan & touch yourself! God you are the most retarded person in history we may have had a few in the world's history but you...YOU TRUMP THEM ALL!! So just leave us all & get lost.... Dear members & viewers of this forum (2pac & his other accounts excluded) I am sorry for this flaming post...but I felt it had to be said.

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 3:57 pm
by jonkw8
Hey, russ what's up? nice flame, a little long though ('ts what she said)

Check out my crappy new forum:

I'm trying to get a group together on that site, since tha-hell-hackers is so damn hard to access. (new server that's slow as hell)

Anybody that wants to contribute as admin/moderator let me know, and always looking for knowledgeable posters.

if you pull spyman type shit you'll get banned. i'll see to it. there's also a slight language filter on the forum, since i'm actually only here to learn, although flaming is fun i admit. :D

anyway, pm me for more info.

Re: To the one who used to be spyman (currently 2pac)

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 4:07 pm
by 2pac
looks like jackkrauser ad hes friends has been register user name ( WEB PUNK

Re: To the one who used to be spyman (currently 2pac)

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 7:03 pm
by jack krauser
2pac wrote:looks like jackkrauser ad hes friends has been register user name ( WEB PUNK

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 8:16 pm
by Loyal_Dark
who ever knows with him....i try my best to decipher his cryptic language but im now in the firm belife that a translators head would explode after five seconds of listening to honestly im not here for insults but would it kill him to at least get spellcheck or something of the sort?!