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Can't create an array in HackJVM?

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 2:08 pm
by jl17027
When I try to create an object array in HackJVM, it crashes with the following exception:

Code: Select all

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.Error: Bug
        at ojvm.operations.BytecodeInterpreter.visit_anewarray(
        at ojvm.loading.instructions.Ins_anewarray.accept(
        at org.hacker.worm.HackVMWormSpinalCord.think(
        at org.hacker.worm.WormBot.think(
        at org.hacker.worm.WormModel.moveBot(
I've boiled it down to a simple test case. Here's what the code looks like:

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package testbot;
public class Testbot {
    public int think(int dx, int dy, int[][] board, int x, int y, int dir, int[][] enemies) 
        //this crashes
        Object [] tmp2 = new Object[1];

        return dir;
Of course, it runs fine when I check "run natively".
Any ideas? Does this use a bytecode that is unimplemented in HackJVM?

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 5:37 pm
by adum
sorry, i've fixed this bug in the latest hackjvm for Bitbath, but haven't uploaded it to the wormageddon sdk. i'll try to do that today.


Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 8:50 pm
by adum
okay, i've uploaded a new SDK, version 285. this should work now.


Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 1:42 pm
by jl17027
Thanks for the quick fix! I'll let you know if the new one still gives me problems...