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Create a webserver to log IPs

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 9:18 pm
by elseine
Hello! I was reading a few topics and I want to ask you one thing, but I don't know if I can or nor...well, my question is:¿how can I create a webserver to log IPs from the people who entries in that webserver?. I have curiosity to know the IP and search it in the internet for know where they are^^. And another question, ¿there is anohter way to obtain an IP from someone without a webserver?
Thanks for your time!^^

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 10:23 pm
by CodeX
You could use something like PHP in which case you can do this.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 5:17 am
by bukoking

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 11:24 pm
by Liidian
What ever people might say, you can't ever enter someones computer by their IP aslong you haven't planted a file on their computer before.

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 11:47 pm
by CodeX
There aren't ever exploitable programs on any computers ever, like software with open ports that happen to have known buffer overflow exploits or that has other flaws such as standard passwords, ever. Do you research anything, ever?

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 6:57 pm
by Liidian
CodeX wrote:There aren't ever exploitable programs on any computers ever, like software with open ports that happen to have known buffer overflow exploits or that has other flaws such as standard passwords, ever. Do you research anything, ever?
As i said, you can never enter another persons computer by just their IP. Somehow you must have modefied their settings by a program before.

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 8:38 pm
by CodeX
not sure exactly what that second sentence is about

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 1:51 am
by FreeFull
CodeX knows what he's talking about here. Trojans aren't the only way for someone get into a system.

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 7:24 am
by Liidian
Either you people don't understand simple english as written, or you simply don't understand the meaning of my concept. I've never said trojans were the only way. I'm saying that you can't just enter a computer by their IP if nothing have been done on that computer before. They don't need a firewall, they don't need closed ports, it is simply impossible by all means to enter a computer only through the IP with no help of any software. Get it, retards?

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 12:58 pm
by CodeX
As far as simple English goes, it seems you are the one that has a problem with that as what you write doesn't convey much meaning such as your previous post in which "Somehow you must have modefied their settings by a program before." doesn't strictly mean anything in this context so I guess you just pulled that out of your arse, and your post prior to that implicitly says there is no other way to do anything on someone's computer without a trojan. Maybe you should improve your grasp of the English language and rhetoric as frankly the bullshit you constantly spew everywhere means nobody understands what you mean and it generally appears as though you don't understand what you go on about, you probably read a couple of sentences from somewhere on the internet and take it to be all the fact that could ever exist then go preaching that you are some sort of supreme being. You might want to keep getting onto the short bus until you've learnt the basics, retard.

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 1:49 pm
by Liidian
CodeX wrote:As far as simple English goes, it seems you are the one that has a problem with that as what you write doesn't convey much meaning such as your previous post in which "Somehow you must have modefied their settings by a program before." doesn't strictly mean anything in this context so I guess you just pulled that out of your arse, and your post prior to that implicitly says there is no other way to do anything on someone's computer without a trojan. Maybe you should improve your grasp of the English language and rhetoric as frankly the bullshit you constantly spew everywhere means nobody understands what you mean and it generally appears as though you don't understand what you go on about, you probably read a couple of sentences from somewhere on the internet and take it to be all the fact that could ever exist then go preaching that you are some sort of supreme being. You might want to keep getting onto the short bus until you've learnt the basics, retard.
The great CodeX, still not able to grasp that i never wrote, or even applied to the meaning of my sentences that trojans were the only way. Anyway, i'll let you believe that you simple and stupid logic have led you anywhere and will leave this arguement to you, yourself.

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 2:12 pm
by CodeX
I'm going to guess that English isn't your first language judging by the occurrence of things like "you simple and stupid logic". Anyway you certainly haven't elaborated on how Trojans aren't the only way to have influence over a computer you just insist that you saying
princess Liidian wrote:What ever people might say, you can't ever enter someones computer by their IP aslong you haven't planted a file on their computer before
As you have said you have to get a file on their computer it would be fair to assume that that you would mean a Trojan, and you haven't suggested any other possible interpretation of this other than "I've never said trojans were the only way" which you've harked on about twice already.

The only good thing you managed in any of your posts was referring to me "The great CodeX" in the last one which is a start but capitalisation on the title would make it a little bit better :P

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 9:13 pm
by Liidian
CodeX wrote:I'm going to guess that English isn't your first language judging by the occurrence of things like "you simple and stupid logic". Anyway you certainly haven't elaborated on how Trojans aren't the only way to have influence over a computer you just insist that you saying
princess Liidian wrote:What ever people might say, you can't ever enter someones computer by their IP aslong you haven't planted a file on their computer before
As you have said you have to get a file on their computer it would be fair to assume that that you would mean a Trojan, and you haven't suggested any other possible interpretation of this other than "I've never said trojans were the only way" which you've harked on about twice already.

The only good thing you managed in any of your posts was referring to me "The great CodeX" in the last one which is a start but capitalisation on the title would make it a little bit better :P
The only thing i ever ment to imply was the simple, and correct fact that you can never just type in some1's IP to go onto their computers, servers, what ever the fuck you like. With that said i hope that i have been able to reach through your ego complex and small brain and have made you understand this. Or you want me to repeat it?
I can just imagen to have been the math teacher that thought you how dividing with zero works. God.

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 9:52 pm
by CodeX
ok, you really are crap at English and you do just make things up as you go along; if you were on a calculator I would divide you by 0 so there would be a fatal error. If anyone has mental issues such as lack of brain matter of general lack of mental amenities, I'm pretty sure it's you. DURPEDY DERP