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Problem. Please Help.

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 11:35 pm
by devoidofmeaning
Please help with some advise. Hope this isn't the wrong place to post the question. If it is, sorry. Please just let me know where I have to post. Thanks.

Before I ask. please know that I am not a hacker although I am a fan of such activities (within reason).
Although, not sure if I have a higher enough IQ to become a hacker. As I know it requires a lot of brain power... I am not super stupid either, as have a BA in sound Technology, so am a bit technical.

have been having problems with people stalking me online.
I.E. people following me to forums and stirring up crap using very personalized slander etc.
Same people messing with my online transactions.
Also think that they have access to my email. (perhaps this is where they are getting info from).
Having access to my email also means that they have the potential to mess up quiet a lot in my life, such as job applications etc.

Think that it is either my ex-wife and her family, who are real nut cases. (psycho's)
Or the local "bent" police, who may be friends of my ex-wife's family.
Not that I am of any threat to anyone really. Just want to have a peaceful life.

Please can anyone offer any advise so that I can do the following:

A: detect there access to my email. (is this possible? I though that perhaps the email server would have a log of some sort that would show a list of the people accessing my email? Maybe I am living in a fantasy here? I just don't know what to expect)
B: Stop them tracking me online. As am pretty fed up getting abuse from them while online.
C: Stop there misdeeds.

Really appreciate any help.
Thanks :shock:

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 12:26 am
by Dig1t@l Renegad3
???? Really????? um i get that they are stalking you but um y dont you call the cops

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 7:55 am
by Aghamemnon
blah blah blah
Study more

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 3:39 pm
by devoidofmeaning
Hey, call the cops.
With what?
What is the evidence?
I mean, the cops where I live are hardly clever or helpful.
Where I live the police answer to no one.
And do as they please.
There may as well be no laws.
As in my experience they make it up as they go along and charge who they want.
It doesn't matter who is guilty.
The people in charge of this small and obsure police force used to be involved in northern Ireland during the main years that the IRA were being targetted by the police/army and the police at that time used some really nasty illegal tactics to murder people with out detection.
It may be some peoples opinion that they are doing the same where I live, but not to people regarded as terrorists but people who certain police men have it in for.
The police have been known to have victimize people.

As for "study more"
what should I study. Please recommend some books or sites etc.
This would be the really helpful type of answer I was looking for really.

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 10:03 am
by Liidian
If you needed some sort of higher IQ, than i don't think this forum would exist.

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 9:15 pm
by laz0r
Change your email password. That's the very first thing you should do if you think something's been compromised.

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 10:52 pm
by S3th
If you want them to stop finding you on forums and such.. Change emails?! That'd be an easy thing they wouldn't know your email then and therefore can't find you.
But yes, change your current emails password, make it secure. Once done, change all passwords of all your accounts that are important to strong, secure passwords too.

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 9:46 pm
by nidsche
Adding another hint,

don't forget to change the password recovery questions and answers as well.
Some sites simply give you your pass after answering the recovery question.