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Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 1:55 am
by 0042
I am using WindowsXP at the moment and I was wondering if it comes with a program I can use to write code in? Something like the 'Command Prompt' window? I think what I'm looking for is a DOS program... not sure...

Any help would be great!! ^^

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 2:27 am
by baha'a
I'll try to answer, and excuse me if I didn't understand the question

what programming language do you use?
there is a text editor called (Notepad ++) it's pretty good you can write whatever code you want using it.
but if you need a compiler or an IDE it of course depends on the language
and if you are using C++,C# and I don't know what else you can use Visual Studio 2010
my friends say it's the only thing that prevents them from turning to Linux
and they love it
if you use Java there is Netbeans

and I don't think that you need to use Dos prompt to program using widows any more

but in Linux stuff differs :)

hope that is helpful!

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 2:35 am
by 0042
Notepad? Ok. I'm learning JavaScript and I need a playground is all.

Thanks Baha!! *hugs*

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 2:42 am
by baha'a

well then you want the thing I'm trying to find on linux

it's dreamwaver

it's amazing for web building

although you can write javascript in notepad++ and then test the outcome in a browser but go use dreamwaver and enjoy using windows

note: Jennifer be careful Notepad++ isn't the same as notepad.

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 10:49 am
by CodeX
Adobe Dreamweaver CS4-CS5 can run JavaScript inside the IDE so you can test what you are making without having to open Chrome/Firefox/Internet Explorer/Opera/Safari. Dreamweaver also features auto-complete for (X)HTML, CSS, PHP, ASP, JavaScript and maybe more which is a nice thing to have. Not only all of that but it also can work as a What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) editor so you don't always have to write in code - Dreamweaver is certainly a good choice for Windows/Mac.

Notepad++ is a brilliant text editor for windows as it provides syntax highlighting for a plethora of languages which you can add to yourself if it's missing something or not quite up to your standards (it's assembly highlighting misses the 64bit registers!). If you get into writing DLLs you can extend N++ yourself but there are pleanty of extensions to choose from to speed things up for you. At the price of £0.00 it's easily affordable and has no need for piracy.

I think what you mentioned about a DOS program might have been about something like Emacs or vim, you probably wouldn't want to use those unless your on linux without a GUI such as when using SSH.

@baha'a: Adobe only release Windows and Mac versions of Dreamweaver so you can choose a linux alternative or you can use Wine with a version of Dreamweaver that it's compatible with. You can see compatibility and a couple of suggested alternatives here.

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 12:38 pm
by baha'a
Thanks Codex

a rich reply indeed.

I've seen an article on the net talking about porting Dreamwaver from windows to linux
but you need to install windows as a VM and install Dreamwaver inside it then port it to linux but I don't need it that bad so I wouldn't do it now maybe I'll wait until the alternatives are good enough or Adobe decides to release a version for Linux.(or maybe I make a program my self not only you are good enough to make Operating Systems :D )

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 1:08 pm
by CodeX
Wine lets Windows programs run on linux without having to install things like VMWare and Qemu, looking at the Wine website it suggests you can use Wine to run Dreamweaver CS4 without problems which is handy as there are a fair few programs that have bugs when running on Wine.

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 10:10 pm
by baha'a
CodeX wrote:Wine lets Windows programs run on linux without having to install things like VMWare and Qemu, looking at the Wine website it suggests you can use Wine to run Dreamweaver CS4 without problems which is handy as there are a fair few programs that have bugs when running on Wine.
well thanks :)

then I'll try it

you are always there!

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:58 am
by 0042
Cool! As soon as I'm able, I'll check that out!! Thanks guys!!

Sidenote: I'm loving the community here!! Very welcoming to those honestly interested in Hacking and NOT Cracking!! ^^

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 10:00 am
by laz0r
It would be very benefical to become skilled with HTML, PHP, ASP (and maybe css although I dislike it) programming to work along side Javascripting. Dreamweaver is very nice for making decent looking and accurate pages.

However I would HUGELY urge you use some form of Notepad (Notepad++ has a lot of support and helpful tools for this kind of programming) so you can learn to program it properly without requiring a nice graphical application.

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 9:24 pm
by 0042
neato! Thanks all! And I understand X/HTML for the most part. I just suck at writing it! xD