No computer...I always use my friends...can I ever hack

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No computer...I always use my friends...can I ever hack

Post by Caym »

Do i always need to download linux to start hacking?
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Post by D.A. »

No you don't... But learning to hack in windows is just insane.
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Post by marty »

D.A. wrote:No you don't... But learning to hack in windows is just insane.
why is everybody saying that? there is lot to learn till you get in position to see difference between Win and GNU/Linux... it is the fact that the GNU/Linux is the best for these type of things but when the guy asks "do i need to download it every time" the answer should be:
first learn some things about protocols, programming languages, networks, computer systems at all and how they work, pick up some theory... than you will know by your self do you or do you not need to download it every time.
GNU/Linux is just a tool (very good one but still just a tool) and knowledge is what counts... you can download GNU/Linux 1000 times and pack it with some hi-tech ultra-hack aplications... but that will mean to you nothing if you don't know to use it...
advice: use google
advice #2: learn how to ask questions
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Post by D.A. »

Well, but to learn something about protocols you have to try something... It's not enough just to read the theory. Windows has built-in programs for only a few protocols (such as telnet, http, ftp, https and few more). But it hasn't support for ssh... It doesn't understand command rlogin... it doesn't support remote shells. How can one learn about those things without trying it out???
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Post by marty »

uwhen he come to the point needing those he could download linux... but that moment is far away and i bet he don't know to use nmap for start... on the other side, gnu/linux does not have very friendly user interface and that could reject beginers from continuing their learning... don't get me wrong, i'm not supporting windows, i'm just saying that begining on windows with some tools for start is not such a bad idea... download nmap, find some wargame server to scan and step by step learn what informations that you get mean, how to use it and such stuff.. when you figure that out you'll google for some more and in some point you'll download and start to use gnu/linux because the win won't be enough to you, not because someone told you to that linux is hacker software.. linux is all about knowledge, free thinking and improving yourself, it won't hack for you :D
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Post by <<D.A.>> »

Newbies that don't now what is internet browser, undoubtly, should use windows - they won't manage to run linux. Here they'll learn some things, they'll become some advanced users there, and only then they should download and install Linux, and continue with mastering their skills.
Prehaps it's some kind of logical conclusion of that discussion. :D
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Post by marty »

you got it right! :D
now, what is the next subject? :D
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Post by <<D.A.>> »

Hope visitors with questions will define it :lol:
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Post by marty »

one more thing that maybe is not clear in previous discusion... all those things said are not meant to be discouraging. they are look like that but that's the way they are... also can be funy, interesting, filled with adrenalin..
I, like the guy that posted this topic, didn't have computer for a long long time but whenever i got in contact with them i learned fast... once i get my first computer it took me 2 years to become c++ programmer and MCSE (i know it's better to learn linux administration instead) and used Internet to read (a lot) about stuff that interested me... i' not talking just about IT security, i'm talking just about everything... it's true that books represent theory and for real stuff you need practice but theory teaches you tha your first step shouldn't be scaning google with intentions to hack it very first night... that's not how it works :D
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Post by alina »

u got it right there....when i first started hacking i didn't had no idea what i was doing and at one point i got scared and left it for a while and then i took it all over again but this time i read first and then put it on practice... :oops:
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