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Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 1:11 pm
by alternateblackhat
So, I've made a prior post about Linux. Many people said that Back Track was the best out there. I tried both Back Track and Ubuntu. The question is, What are some good Linux's that don't have a feel of mac or windows. I like Ubuntu interface more than Backtrack, but I'd like to see what other good interfaces there are out there.

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 2:50 pm
by CodeX
You can change your desktop theme to something a little nicer on *nix fairly easily if you look it up, but there isn't really anything that isn't Win/Macish on the window system front, unless you wanted to stay in terminal mode and have no window system whatsoever (ctrl + alt + f1-6 to switch and ctrl + alt + f7 to go back).

Are you looking for something like everyone has in movies? As far as I'm aware they don't really exist and in movies they really only have 1 function (not a do everything system like usual) that just happens to be a bit heavy on the graphics side, I'd be chuffed if everything was done Swordfish style. If you do have one or two tasks that you do a lot and would like to have a moviesque feel to them then you could make/commission (if you have more money than sense) your own application for it that has some all amazing feel to it, I'm tempted to do that myself now :P

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 6:26 pm
by alternateblackhat
oh i realize the computers from movies like hackers is way over glorified and does not exist. I'm not that oblivious. i was looking for a interface that was more unique.

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 6:29 pm
by alternateblackhat
after a while working on python some more. school break is needed sadly, i filled my hours from 8-8 no time for pleasure reading. i will probably move on to assembly

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 7:08 pm
by CodeX
best I'm aware of for uniquifying Ubuntu is Compiz Fusion and you might be able to find something on to make the desktop look nice, here is a post on personalizing your desktop on Ubuntu, but alas this still isn't an outright unique system :(

I haven't really looked through these in quite some time but you might find something of interest on however they are very likely to be rather limed on what they can do as most of them are toys, fledgling or built for a very specific purpose.

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 9:17 pm
by plope0726
You may also find this wikipedia article of interest.