Game Announcement!
Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 9:01 pm
The game is on the draw board now!
Basic functions have been scripted and it have now been decided that the game will use a combination of Python and visual c++.
Currently on the board:
The lore is being written
Playable races and classes are worked on
Spells and abilities
All this is on the draw board were it haven't been implied into a code yet but is being worked out.
I am really starting to get a sight of how it will work as.
As i still need people for it i've decided to repost it here.
Currently in need
1 or more with ADVANCED python knowledge
1 or more with ADVANCED c++ knowledge
1 or more with ADVANCED 3d graphic designing knowledge
1 or more creative and patience persons for story writting and new suggestions
1 or more for music and effects ingame.
The game name is currently "NeverMore".
Play style is MMO.
For more info or for a try for one of the places please send me an email at:
Basic functions have been scripted and it have now been decided that the game will use a combination of Python and visual c++.
Currently on the board:
The lore is being written
Playable races and classes are worked on
Spells and abilities
All this is on the draw board were it haven't been implied into a code yet but is being worked out.
I am really starting to get a sight of how it will work as.
As i still need people for it i've decided to repost it here.
Currently in need
1 or more with ADVANCED python knowledge
1 or more with ADVANCED c++ knowledge
1 or more with ADVANCED 3d graphic designing knowledge
1 or more creative and patience persons for story writting and new suggestions
1 or more for music and effects ingame.
The game name is currently "NeverMore".
Play style is MMO.
For more info or for a try for one of the places please send me an email at: