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+++ Good Karma +++ Help the people of Iran

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 8:24 pm
HACKERS UNITE! ... directlink ... directlink ... directlink ... directlink

Please forward this message to all your contacts, post it in forums & blogs.

As you may know, there is a revolution running in Iran against the fascist Islamic Republic which is massively killing Iranian people and blocking internet, sms, telephones & other communications to keep the Iranian people in the dark.

Iranian people need help from all people who want to fight for freedom and have the knowledge to make a cyber war on the fascist Islamic Republic.

The first step is to hack the most viewed websites of the Islamic Republic, make them unavailable or replace home pages with pictures of murders done by the Islamic Republic's regime or even porn on the leaders and prez. websites.

If your visiting sites to just take a look or whatever, plz cut & paste in a new window to avoid logs tracing back to this post...

Some of these fascist websites are targeting & identifying innocent protesters such as this one:

---> Your actions will save lives! <---

The second step, is to break the internet filters setup by the regime in order to break open the communications inside the country.

Any other cyber action is welcome & encouraged...

Iranian people who are fighting for freedom are being butchered & shot. They are dying in Iran for freedom and really need any help available from the free world to handicap the regime in this communication war.

The free world may create the first example of a free cyber war against tyranny !

Please send this message to your contacts & ask them to do so, to find people which have the knowledge to fight for freedom.

We will keep posted sensitive web sites and exploits on this blog : http://cyberwar-against-islamicrepublic ...

If you can help us, please visit the blog for news and post your exploits, we will share the information over the whole community.

Thanks a lot
Fighters for freedom.


Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 8:27 pm
Please note that they will also try to counter any attack, so keep your defenses up... Thanks in advance for your help!

RP from other forum

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 8:56 pm
Dear all,

what is happening in Iran is terrible and all of you guys may help.
there are some websites posting the pics of protesters to be arrested.
here are some:

is it possible to block them? it would be great!
Democracy in iran needs your help. TNX


Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 10:24 pm
*** UPDATE *** is now offline!! Yay! Some other heavy duty ones like are still up, they can be taken down using DOS but that is no good, need something more concrete than that... was briefly taken offline but they now appear to be back up with more pictures and even an article ranting about ineffectiveness of hacker attacks on their site and even touting their technical superiority! They have even posted people's pics now:

Thanks Guys & keep it up!!! You rock!


Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 11:53 pm
Terrorist sites deleted:

Terrorist sites currently down:


Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 12:03 am
The best possible outcome would be to completely destroy the proxy servers the regime has in place in order to allow all traffic to flow through un-filtered, many citizens are trying to upload videos and are having difficulty accessing youtube or facebook, etc. due to proxy servers. only a small percent know and use proxy bypasses which makes it more difficult to get videos out.


Also recent news indicated that the Iranian regime has placed web monitoring tools to scan and report on emails being sent out by the population for certain keywords, etc. this tool apparently resides on a single node choke point unlike the Chinese model which is highly decentralized, this should make it easier to target if everything is being monitored in just one place... If it helps these were devices sold by Siemens, Nokia, etc.


Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 5:56 pm
by S3th
What the fuck are you on about?

Keep up the fight

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 10:51 pm
by FREEIRAN ... backlash_1

A sharp clampdown by Iranian authorities may have quelled street protests, but the fight goes on in cyberspace.

Groups of "hacktivists" — Web hackers demanding Internet freedom — say they are targeting Web pages of Iran's leadership in response to the regime's muzzling of blogs, news outlets and other sites.

It's unclear how much the wired warriors have disrupted official Iranian sites. Attempts by The Associated Press to access sites for state news organizations, including the Islamic Republic News Agency and Fars, were unsuccessful — with a message saying the links were "broken."

Other Iranian Web sites, including the official site for Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, were able to be viewed.

It's the latest in a widening front of attempts at cyber attacks by activists and others. Earlier this week, Defense Secretary Robert Gates ordered the creation of a new military cyber command that will coordinate the Pentagon's efforts to defend its networks and conduct cyberwarfare.

In the Iranian showdown, the co-founder of the Open Source Movement, Eric S. Raymond, has launched a site called NedaNet, after 27-year-old Neda Agha Soltan, who became a global symbol of the postelection protest movement after videos of her death by gunfire was posted on Web sites.
Raymond described his site as a place for hackers and Iranian protest movement sympathizers from around the world to team up in developing a system of proxy sites that cloak the location of users in Iran from the Iranian government.

Iranian authorities have launched a wide-ranging clampdown on many Web sites, including blogs, independent news outlets and sites linked to opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi, who claims the June 12 presidential election was rigged to hand victory to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
On Saturday, Raymond reported the group would be forced to change some of its tactics because the Iranian government had "upped the level of Internet censorship it's engaging in." Iranian government monitors were inspecting traffic more closely to see if users were accessing blocked web sites, he said.

"We're trying to provide a covert communication channel for dissenters and revolutionaries to organize through," said Raymond in a telephone interview with The Associated Press.

Raymond said a team of six hackers spend their days writing software to help Iranian Web users bypass state controls. More than 1,000 other people have offered bandwidth on servers to host proxy sites.

A Web page titled "Freedom Sucker" shows eight Iranian government sites, including Ahmadinejad's blog, that are under a constant, automated attack by the page's anonymous creator. Every second, the page attempts to reboot the pages in an attempt to overload them.

Other groups are also working to create Internet havens for Iranians, including a group called Project Hydra and the Free Net project. Raymond said that many of the groups are wary of allowing media interviews because hackers tend to operate in anonymity.

Meanwhile, the average Web surfer can simulate an attack on an Iranian state news organization of their choice. A Web site "War, war, until victory" allows visitors to engage in symbolic hacktivism and was developed by an Iranian blogger from Isfahan.

With the click of a button, an attack is simulated on the Web sites, including IRNA and other state news organizations.

"These buttons are only a way for the frustrations of young people to be settled and in reality are only an attack on their sorrows," the site's administrator wrote in an e-mail to the AP. The administrator commented on condition of anonymity because of fears of government reprisals.
Cyber attacks have been around for years, but have gained increasing attention from governments and security services since Russian hackers waged a high-profile blitz on Estonia's government and private sector Web sites in May 2007. In response, NATO set up an Estonia-based cyber defense center and plans to include cyber defense in NATO exercises.

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 5:54 pm
by Allosentient
Is his IP address logged? I want to see if it is someone from the Iran government

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 9:34 pm
by Zaffron
S3th wrote:What the fuck are you on about?
LOL +1

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 7:30 pm
by PaRaDoX
Cyber attacks? I thought most terrorists were bloody poor.

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 9:34 pm
by plope0726
PaRaDoX wrote:Cyber attacks? I thought most terrorists were bloody poor.
The Iranian People are not necesarily terrorists because they are from the middle east. The Iranian Government is not considered a Terrorist organization (not to say that the government in power now is any good). Google Iran Protests and read about whats going on over there because it seems like you don't know. most people not from Iran probably don't know either so don;t take that the wrong way.

As for terrorists being poor, Im sure most of the suicide bombers you here about might be poor but bin laden for example is actually filthy rich via his family.

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 3:32 am
by Zaffron
Yay turban wearing mafia?

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 2:53 pm
by PaRaDoX
naw, I wasn't calling iranians terrorists, but I read something in an above post about some cyber terrorist attacks? Didn't read the whole thing, but terrorist (of any nationality) can afford computers now? :O


Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 9:14 am
by Zaffron
O noes!

Well yeh i was referencing to the point where you said bin laden and his family was filthy rich and that made me realize theyre a mafia with turbans