Tips for a practical joke

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Lorgon Jortle
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Joined: Thu Jan 29, 2009 2:10 am

Tips for a practical joke

Post by Lorgon Jortle »

My band teacher and I were talking today, and he knows I'm really into computers. He asked me if I would be able to change the ticker sign in our school lobby. I said that I truthfully had no clue, but I would love to look into it and learn.

My question is, how would one (not asking for specific directions) do this? Do they accept wireless signals or anything? I wouldn't want to do anything to the school computers (anything bad). I'm trying very hard not to seem like a wanna-be cracker. Where do you suggest I go to learn some of this?

Languages I know:

BASIC (like that's going to help...)

hey, thanks for any hints,

Lorgon Jortle
In fact, everything we encounter in this world with our six senses is an inkblot test. You see what you are thinking and feeling, seldom what you are looking at. - Shiqin
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