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Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 2:28 pm
by samael84
i tried it so long but i wont get the solution.
i found the numbers in the old testament too
but no way to convert them in a logical way.
can anyone help me please?!

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 11:45 pm
by Allosentient
sigi wrote:Just go for the simplest solution you can think of. And then just blindly submit the "word" you get out of your "decoding" method.

As many others have said: this challenge is a lot easier than some of you here apparently think it is (you've got the numbers already, now there's not much work left to do).
The problem here is that I have already done this as you say it and tried many other ways.

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 4:20 pm
by m!nus
I tried what was most obvious in my opinion, maybe it wasn't obvious enough? :/

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 8:34 pm
by silverSl!DE
i've put the numbers direct 2 letter/ convertet them 2 bin and used the bin as a mask on the text, but all i got is bullsh!7...
man! i'm hating 2 give up!

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 10:19 pm
by gfoot
Maybe one of the guys who had trouble for a while and finally got the answer can post a better hint. I find it hard to hint without giving it away because the answer just kind of stood out to me.

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 6:35 am
by the_impaler
gfoot wrote:Maybe one of the guys who had trouble for a while and finally got the answer can post a better hint. I find it hard to hint without giving it away because the answer just kind of stood out to me.
Well, I am one of those guys - I solved Didactic Text 3 first and many other too. I think my mistake was using damn google and rely on quick summary it posts in result search. I had almost correct answer rather quickly except that one letter was off and I started inventing all the possible schemes.
My biggest challenge is to be nice to people asking for help. I really want to tell them to quit and join a sudoku club instead. Well, here is my best hint for this challenge.
This is rather complete crypto scheme. You can use it to encrypt whatever text you want. It uses common and widely available text as code table. Anybody who can read can use this encryption method for message exchange.
If you think that this is too obscure hint, too bad. I used these criteria to discard most of my crazy ideas.

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 4:12 pm
by Allosentient
the_impaler wrote:
gfoot wrote:Maybe one of the guys who had trouble for a while and finally got the answer can post a better hint. I find it hard to hint without giving it away because the answer just kind of stood out to me.
Well, I am one of those guys - I solved Didactic Text 3 first and many other too. I think my mistake was using damn google and rely on quick summary it posts in result search. I had almost correct answer rather quickly except that one letter was off and I started inventing all the possible schemes.
My biggest challenge is to be nice to people asking for help. I really want to tell them to quit and join a sudoku club instead. Well, here is my best hint for this challenge.
This is rather complete crypto scheme. You can use it to encrypt whatever text you want. It uses common and widely available text as code table. Anybody who can read can use this encryption method for message exchange.
If you think that this is too obscure hint, too bad. I used these criteria to discard most of my crazy ideas.
I think this is the best hint I have had so far, and it doesn't give too much away at all, just made me realize that I haven't tried very hard. I have a good idea now of what this could be. In fact I saw something on TV which talked about this

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 4:46 pm
by Allosentient
oh jeez, that is a hilarious answer.... here is my hint: decode the entire thing before you give up (if you are getting gibberish with your method)

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 7:39 am
by baol
the_impaler wrote:
gfoot wrote:Maybe one of the guys who had trouble for a while and finally got the answer can post a better hint. I find it hard to hint without giving it away because the answer just kind of stood out to me.
Well, I am one of those guys - I solved Didactic Text 3 first and many other too. I think my mistake was using damn google and rely on quick summary it posts in result search. I had almost correct answer rather quickly except that one letter was off and I started inventing all the possible schemes.
My biggest challenge is to be nice to people asking for help. I really want to tell them to quit and join a sudoku club instead. Well, here is my best hint for this challenge.
This is rather complete crypto scheme. You can use it to encrypt whatever text you want. It uses common and widely available text as code table. Anybody who can read can use this encryption method for message exchange.
If you think that this is too obscure hint, too bad. I used these criteria to discard most of my crazy ideas.
This opened my eyes!
I won't say "So easy!", because I needed to read this post before realizing, but I kinda felt a little bit stupid for not having thought about this before...!

OMG im retarded

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 11:36 pm
by ResidentLazarus
This type of stuff keeps me up at night. Help would be appreciated because although there have been numerous "hints" before this comment i still can't get it. :oops: Also if anyone can send me a binary table because mine is a bit screwed up.

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 8:45 am
by rmplpmpl
What do you mean by 'binary table'? Whatever this may be, you do not need it for this.

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 6:57 pm
by dot_Cipher
I seem to be having trouble with this challenge too. And I was close enough to say that I thought I was close.

I used the numbers and substituted letters as the numerical placement of the alphabet.
ie. a = 1 , b = 2, c = 3, etc.

This obviously didnt work since the alphabet has only 26 letters and there are numbers in this code that are higher than 26.....

Thats the simplest I could figure out it being. As I tried a few other ways without prevail...

This is probably just a bump in the road anyway...

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 6:25 am
by pluskid
I'm also stalled on this problem. Got those numbers:

But couldn't find any way to "decode" them into the answer. Don't have ideas. And why is the font italic and x-large? Does that mean something? :-(


Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 8:38 am
by Zeta
With these numbers you have all the information you need (and more :wink:).

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 6:06 pm
by Triton456
Although all these tips, I still can't solve it... :( I also found the numbers already from the old testament. And I tried all sort of things with these numbers. I tried to use it in the text for the nth word, the nth letter and these same on the correct row and all other stuff, but I still haven't found the correct answer. :? Maybe it's just because I'm sometimes dull of apprehension :oops: , but I still don't get it... :(

Could anyone maybe give another tip?... Although there are already so many tips... Or send me a pm or something..
