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Post by SinistraD »

sabretooth wrote:I'm probably in the minority in saying this, but I am probably one of the few here (major assumption) who prefer windows to linux.

Now don't get me wrong, I know how to use linux and have been doing for many years. I have slackware (my linux distro of choice) on a dual boot with with windows 7.

To me, linux is for people who like making things difficult for themselves.
It is true that there are things which linux can do that windows cannot, but for everyday work I prefer Windows. Get through the occasional crash and I find it easy and useful.

I know of many 'hackers' who spend more time learning Unix then actually using it :)

Go figure.

You're not alone, you're just like me, so don't worry about not liking Linux. Neither do I, even tho I know bash programming including SED, AWK and GREP (at least I knew, because I haven't used any of that since a half a year).
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Post by koolpop0 »

plope0726 wrote:I've got a built in atheros, so I should be alright with that. i just wasn't sure if being in a VM whether backtrack picked up that it was a wireless nic because it shows my connection in the vm as wired.
most laptops do now a days
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Post by Prohacker57 »

please register in my site http://www1000uploads.spruz.com/ i know its not perfect, but i need some users.
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