about the lightest touch

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Post by cyberwoozle »

@dorahan: i think, this forum has not been created to offend other people, so please stop it.
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Post by Masti6 »

Ok, I realize what kind of typing this is and who it is for.
But I can't find a "..." to text translator, or at least not working one. And I can't figure the pattern out on that background, not even on notepad. So could anyone share some tips?
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Post by laz0r »

Well, if you know what '...' it is, then you can work out the pattern (the properties of '...' are well-standardised).
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Post by Masti6 »

Yeah, but without the "table" of the "..." writing on the challenge, it's pretty hard to figure.
I still haven't found an "..." into text translator, and I think that such doesn't even exist.
Altho as it might take weeks to try to solve this when comparing to one formula, I'm going to try it >.>

Or if one would be kind enough to send me a somewhat clear answer to this one, as I think this doesn't have anything to do with hacking - aka looking outside the box and making blablabla.

Thanks in advance.
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