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Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 12:49 am
by PaRaDoX
a wrote:cracker hacker dont matter
he want to send a virus
rofl. did you misunderstand hacker? we don't send viruses to people, or steal money, or are even plain shifty. we are open to the public (except you) and will nto share a single byte worth of knowledge with you. you cannot control and computer through msn. get it straight. if they accept a picture, you can only get their ip. telnet is outdated, forget it. it doesn't work, live with it. not one person with an amoeba sized brain will accept a backdoor. batch is not a powerful virus. "OVER WRITE EVERY FILE" is not a valid command, it will return an error. it isn't commented out either, nice one, you can't even follow simple DOS syntax. yes, this is a site for HACKERS, you are a CRACKER, there is a DIFFERENCE. IT FUCKING MATTERS. maybe to a neanderthal who's been unfrozen from 20000 BC will be impressed by your amazing ability to display coloured text and use incorrect syntax / DOS commands, but anyone from our millenium will not.

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 6:50 am
by S3th
Zing fucking ZING.

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 6:20 am
by ElvenWanderer
<---noob to Hacking. Anyone want/able to gimme some tips on how to further my skills in computer tech/usage? And no, not asking to teach me cracking. If i wanted that, much easier to find info on. Not a complete noob though so do not have to talk lammense terms or dumb to me. I'll know what you are saying. lol. Be much appreciated for anyone who can help/ answer or point me in the right direction though (free sources or your ownself preferrable.) Thanks much. ^_^

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 12:39 pm
by a
i dont steal money
i have money

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 2:06 pm
by plope0726
You have nothing but an overactive ego

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 6:31 pm
by theStack
ElvenWanderer wrote:<---noob to Hacking. Anyone want/able to gimme some tips on how to further my skills in computer tech/usage? And no, not asking to teach me cracking. If i wanted that, much easier to find info on. Not a complete noob though so do not have to talk lammense terms or dumb to me. I'll know what you are saying. lol. Be much appreciated for anyone who can help/ answer or point me in the right direction though (free sources or your ownself preferrable.) Thanks much. ^_^
Teach yourself programming, at least both a compiled and an interpreted language (I recommend C or C++ and Python, though you won't do any serious software development with C nowadays, but it's essential to understand what's going on a low level when a program is executed), install a Linux distribution (I recommend Ubuntu, Arch or Gentoo - find out what the differences are, most beginners choose Ubuntu) or any other UNIX-like operating system, experiment, read about networks, security and so on and I think you're on a good way.
It's also a good idea to try out any other architecture than just x86!

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 11:53 pm
by plope0726
theStack wrote:
ElvenWanderer wrote:<---noob to Hacking. Anyone want/able to gimme some tips on how to further my skills in computer tech/usage? And no, not asking to teach me cracking. If i wanted that, much easier to find info on. Not a complete noob though so do not have to talk lammense terms or dumb to me. I'll know what you are saying. lol. Be much appreciated for anyone who can help/ answer or point me in the right direction though (free sources or your ownself preferrable.) Thanks much. ^_^
Teach yourself programming, at least both a compiled and an interpreted language (I recommend C or C++ and Python, though you won't do any serious software development with C nowadays, but it's essential to understand what's going on a low level when a program is executed), install a Linux distribution (I recommend Ubuntu, Arch or Gentoo - find out what the differences are, most beginners choose Ubuntu) or any other UNIX-like operating system, experiment, read about networks, security and so on and I think you're on a good way.
It's also a good idea to try out any other architecture than just x86!
theStack is correct, learning programming is certainly a great way to further understand how you computer works. Python is a great language to learn and is very powerful. ( ) there you can download the python interpreter along with IDLE, the python editor, or you can use simple text editors. This download will also link you to some good tutorials on python. i don't know much about C or C++ as I am not really much of a programmer.

Also, one of the best ways I've be able to learn about computers is through a lot of trial and error. See what works and what doesn;t and remember it. Of course you want to be careful what you are trying, especially if you dont have a seperate computer to mess with as you could do try something that may temporarily or permanently render your computer unusable.

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 12:14 am
by PaRaDoX
the whole thing about programming is that you don't wanna just remember what each command does, but HOW it does it would be a great way to learn as well.

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 8:23 am
by gian_336
Hey guys..whats the first step to be a hacker??..thanks 4 the reply..i want to be a good hacker and a cracker..

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 11:30 am
by S3th
Ok, established, he wants to be a cracker.
Error code 2845; Reply cannot be shown, cause you are too much of a cracker faggot to read it.

Aka, fuck off.

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 11:41 am
by a
is that wat u think that the crackers are faggot?
lol u fuck off he wat to learn hacking and cracking
wat is ur problem
btw y u dont like cracking mr. perfect
a person like u should be called faggot
gian this site is suck tey dont have anything here
just they < fuck off , idiot , stuppid , faggot like them , dont be a cracker >
well fuck u all i am a cracker so wat ?
u r not the owner of this site u cant tell ppl wat should they learn or post
u my friend u need to fuck off
i think that all the ppl register here hope they can get help with craking
u guys r only 5 or 6 in this site and the admin dont see wat u post
so u r just fucking idiots
again wat is ur problem with crackers
if someone wanna learn cracking dont help him and dont tell him to fuck off
u r not the boss nd if u r well
u should shutdown my account since i am a cracker

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 11:45 am
by a
u r a faggot get a life and some work to do
not reply and tell ppl to fuck off
is that all u do ?

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 3:54 pm
by plope0726
No thats not all we do, but clearly your too blind to see what we do :wink:

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 7:01 pm
by a
well show me :( :( :( :( :(

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 9:39 pm
by PaRaDoX
don't be stupid. we like to be CONSTRUCTIVE (not stealing passwords and other legal issues)