Russian Dolls

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Post by Nihlaeth »

I started manually at my linux server, but after about 300 times renaming, unzipping and using the file command I gave up and started to look up the bash basics...

I could have guessed the answer easily, but I didn't know that in advance :p

However, I must say I really learned something on this one, thanks!
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Post by Curiosu »

used this php function was a pain, first I thought it was simple zip,

Code: Select all

     function extractGzip ($src, $dest=false)
        $zp = gzopen( $src, "r" );
       if (!is_resource($zp)) return false;
        $data = '';
        while (!gzeof($zp))
            $data .= gzread($zp, 1024*1024);
        gzclose( $zp );
        if (empty($dest)) return $data;
        elseif (file_put_contents($dest, $data)) return true;
        return false;
And my code was bugged, and runned the func for like 15k times, but it was fun
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Post by laz0r »

It's really easy under Mac OS - it will do all the unarchiving at once if you ask it to unarchive a file. It just meant sitting waiting for it to finish, and renaming the files every now and again (because Mac OS appends ' 2' onto the archive each iteration, and they get far too long).
There is no spoon.
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Post by driest »

Python solution:

Code: Select all

import gzip
while 1:
    f ='doll.bin', 'rb')
    content =
    out = open('doll.bin', 'wb')
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Post by junkpete »

under mac os x you only have to click about 10 times, it automatically extraxts but stops when the filename is too long ;-)
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Post by al_paz »

i guessed the answer... first tried "babushka" and then the correct one.
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Post by kjangwa »

No way, such good solutions, this took me ages.
first copied 7z.exe and 7z.dll into sys32 so 7zip would work from cmdline then wrote this python script.
renamed doll.gz to doll1.gz

Code: Select all

import os

for i in range(1,1000):
    os.system("7z e "+unzip+".gz")
    print "unzipped",unzip
    print "renamed to ",name
    os.rename(unzip, name+".gz")
I didnt realize till now that 7zip would unzip a file without a .gz extension
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Post by Millennium »

I did it in C++ XD
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Post by awf »

I solved this like "mystery file" by pressing the unpack shortcut
in 7-zip until the solution was found.

Does somebody know how this .bin-packing works? I first tried
to write a script from hand to solve "mystery file" but the input
string from the file is seemingly random hex-numbers that aren't
connected to the solution obtained by 7-zip. :?
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Re: Script?

Post by FreeFull »

awf wrote:I solved this like "mystery file" by pressing the unpack shortcut
in 7-zip until the solution was found.

Does somebody know how this .bin-packing works? I first tried
to write a script from hand to solve "mystery file" but the input
string from the file is seemingly random hex-numbers that aren't
connected to the solution obtained by 7-zip. :?
It's just simple gzip encryption
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Post by rain1024 »

Finally I got it
It's nice challenge
But seem all comment too open???

I wrote a script to get answer.
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Post by hut »

At first I did it with aunpack which is a wrapper for unpacking any kind of archives. But with each unpack, the file size got doubled... then I read the hint that it's 999 layers and I thought damn, I dont have 10^9999 GB here :(
but luckily it worked fine using gzip directly.
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Post by bspus »

Too bored to boot a live linux just for the file command
I couldn't get 7z to report the file type. Then after I solved it, I noticed it was in file-properties all along... duh!

renaming it to worked anyway. 7z does not care about the corect extension.
Then I used the following batch file

Code: Select all

@echo off

set /a counter=0

ren doll.bin
7z x
set /a counter+=1
if %counter% LEQ 996 goto :top

I knew aready that it was 999 times compressed so i left a few out just in case
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Post by Schnapphahn »

bat using 7zip did it.
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Post by chc4 »

Used a C# 7zip wrapper dll. Came out around 10 lines long ^_^
I am pwn.
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