It's simple. Self explanatory, it creates a series of viruses that when downloaded infiltrate saved passwords, and logs passwords/usernames/e-mails. etc that are typed.(KeyLogger,And a few Trojans)
Did you even read around this forum before posting?
You might realize that this forum is slighty off base with crackers to put it lightly. Of course, I am not calling you stupid by any measure, I couldn't code anything even close to this, but just as a warning as to what you have gotten yourself into.
CrazyBish wrote:Just trying to release what I could do to try and help someone.
This doesn;t show what you can do, it actually implies that you are a script kiddie... Did you download this from a torrent site? On top of that if you did create it #1 you are encouraging script kiddies, and #2 It's probably a toran horse, (cool on the outside, malicious on the inside).
we are hackers, not thieves. im not sure if you can't tell the difference, but i really hope you can. sorry for even bothering to stand up for you on the other thread, i hadn't read this post yet.