What should we do with this site?

Discussion about hacker.org's server
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What should we do with this site?

Post by bok »

That's it, hacker.org is finally moving forward.
We are re-openning the site with the goal of hosting a number of online services for the hacker community.
We don't know yet what services we'll offer, and in which order.
We could offer simple services, such as email hosting (yourname@hacker.org), anonymizers, network tools, hacker-friendly online storage, specialized servers (ex: IP over DNS for passing through Wifi HotSpots), dynamic DNS (yourserver@hacker.org), etc...
So let us know what you think would be the most usefull to you. Let us know, too, if you think you could help, financially, technically, etc...
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ethical hacking should be taught

Post by WildOne2174 »

I think that ethical hacking should be taught. this way some of us could learn how to protect ourselves from malicious Coders
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Post by id »

You should turn it over to ha.ckers.org!

jk, glad to see you guys are going to start using it again.

If you have the people to maintain it, a general hackernews.com site would be great since the original doesn't seem to be doing it anymore.

A dmoz type directory of tools would be nice as well, http://www.sectools.org does a good job of listing white/greyhat tools, but misses out on a lot of blackhat ones, and less known white/grey ones.

If I had infinite bandwidth I be doing those...

Anyway, good luck guys.

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You Can help me ?

Post by sami »

I want to come Hacker..! I am from VietNam.you can sent give me for Hacking's documend .
I have a soft TCP/IP Connector.but I do not kwon use it.!you can help?.Sent mail or post in...thank !
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Re: You Can help me ?

Post by Saboteur_Smash »

Last edited by Saboteur_Smash on Tue Apr 10, 2007 5:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Saboteur_Smash »

Last edited by Saboteur_Smash on Tue Apr 10, 2007 5:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
HkRkoz al KuwaiT 2019 HaCkEr 101
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hello there

Post by eikhwan4 »

im ikhwan from malaysia.
could anyone give me a tips how to become a professional hackers..
what is the first step..??
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Post by falcon2424 »

Well, you managed to get a good domain name, and you have a nice site layout. I'd like to see this become a discussion board for puzzles and interesting things. I'd be careful that you keep things to hacking in the old meaning of the word rather than cracking. (Taking things apart to find how they work, novel applications, rather than "how do I hack password?")

I really like your login puzzle and think that it will help keep the signal:noise ratio good, since I've seen too many 'hacker' forms devolve into people begging to be given various exploits and drowning out any real discussion.

So, a well moderated community would probably be the nicest service you could provide, at least to me. Beyond that, some wikis and possibly an e-mail address or DNS subdomain would be nice.

What are you guys hoping to get out of having this set up?
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Post by rberenguel »

I agree completely with the last post (hope I find some time soon to write a modulo solver with my http lisp client...).
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Hackers Wanted?!?!

Post by WildOne2174 »

Are you guys nuts??? what your asking for is a "cracker" not a "hacker". If you want to crack some website, game, ect. go find it somewhere else.
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Post by sh4rksh4d0w »

i think we should disscuss hacking, post articles and stuff
d13 hv/\/\4n
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Re: What should we do with this site?

Post by Jerry »

hi guy do you know how 2 find servers of spooks or FBI :?: I have some passwards but I don't know where is this fucking server :evil: please help me :cry:
If you try to break covputer defend try not to be arresred
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Post by coolshine_jonson »

Here is a forum, of cause, we can communicate, punlish article, share opinion, discuss, etc. All of the topic need to relate with hack.
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Post by alphagamer »

I think that you the server of this site should leave the registration as it was trying to hack this site other ways everyone comes in and even though we dont talk anything about hacking you know (good stuff) anyone comes in

damn its becoming like a simple thing.

well its just my opinion
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Post by Protagoras »

First of all I`d like to say that I really think that your site is currently heading in the right direction, it currently has some of the most interesting flash puzzles I have seen so far and I think you should continue making them. But I think you could expand this puzzle approach to some other areas to make this a really great 'hacking' site:

- More 'real' programming puzzles such as the ones made by the ACM or as shown on sites such as OSIX
- Hacking challenges/puzzles dealing with simple security scripts, cryptology, steganography and password cracking type of puzzles (good examples of these can be seen on Hackits
- A solution section where you can compare solution programs with each other (only after you have solved the puzzle of course)
- Expand the ranking overview, it would be fun if you could see how high you ranked compared to others. Don't just show the top 10 (I`m number 11 damnit, I want my name up there :) )
- Have an article section where users can post articles about programming, puzzles and how stuff works ('old skool hacking' kind of things)

Of course you can't do all of these things by your self (if you can you're a certified genius) so you should try to get more user input and get a real web 2.0 going. If users could post articles and challenges/puzzles, then all of this should be doable in a fairly short amount of time (you've already got a really great domain name so getting those users shouldn't be that difficult).
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