Russian Dolls

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Russian Dolls

Post by lukas »

WTF ^^

how did the others done this level? I wanted to create a script but my favourite programm said
that the file is not default-conform; So I did it complete manually and it takes very long :roll:

So I think that I haven't say too much :P
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Post by soeschmid »

Hi Lukas,

wow, i'd never have done this by hand...
I would have given up very early.

I used a batch-File in windows to run winrar in a loop.
The most difficult of this work was reading the manual of winrar for possible parameters :-)
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Post by brazzy »

I used a bash shell script, and it took several minutes - I didn't count iterations, but it must have been hundreds! I can't imagine doing that manually.
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Post by m!nus »

I used a PHP script and it took less than a second. There are 999 iterations, not that much.
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Post by lukas »

I also tried per winrar, but winrar say to: "The file is not an archive or maybe corrupt"

and I dont take the first one, because he always say its corrupt, I take the fourth or so.
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Batch File

Post by macdachs »

Just used GZIP and a Batch-File

gzip.exe -d doll.gz
ren doll doll.gz
goto start

Works fine for me under 5 minutes
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Post by ImreNagy »

open with 7z mark the [content] and fix the enter key with a pen. 2 minutes later you have the answer.
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Post by Belriel »

I also used PHP and then had the answer in an instant, most time I spent finding out the right PHP functions and how they work as the gzip library is not very well documented and some of the functions mentioned are not even present in the current release.
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Post by m!nus »

i used gzinflate() and always split off the first 10 bytes (header). how did you do it?
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Post by Belriel »

I used gzdecode(), but since this function seems to be not yet part of PHP, I used the function I found in the user contributed notes.
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Post by yes-man »

Used one bash line.
for ((i=1; i<20000; i++)) do gzip -d doll.gzip && move doll doll.gzip done
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Post by aurora »

i've written a file identifier for work a while back. so this was the first tool ich used with doll.bin -- than it was pretty easy: gunzip as long as the file identifier reported 'application/gzip' as filetype.
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Post by masgo »

i used 7-zip for windows and kept the enter button pressed for ~one minute ... :D
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Post by misterjack »

mv doll.bin doll.gz && watch -n 0 "gunzip doll.gz && mv doll doll.gz" :)

At least: cat doll
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Post by Chocoholic »

aurora wrote:i've written a file identifier for work a while back. so this was the first tool ich used with doll.bin -- than it was pretty easy: gunzip as long as the file identifier reported 'application/gzip' as filetype.
That already exists, it's called "file" in unix. ;-)

I also used just one line of bash code. Long live coLinux! :-)

Code: Select all

while file doll.gz | grep gzip; do gunzip doll.gz; mv doll doll.gz; done
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