One Minute Man

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One Minute Man

Post by canine »

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curl "$url" 2>/dev/null > $temp

if [ ! -e $temp_md5sum ]
    md5sum $temp > $temp_md5sum

    if ! md5sum --status -c $temp_md5sum
        cp $temp /home/brian/Desktop/OHSHIT

        rm $temp
Basically, each time this script is run, it fetches the web page in question, and compares the md5sum of the file to an existing md5sum. If it doesn't match, it copies it to my desktop and renames it OHSHIT.

After a few hours of running every minute, OHSHIT magically popped up on my desktop.

I used cron to schedule it.

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*  *  *  *  *  /the/path/to/the/script
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Post by MerickOWA »

Thats similar to what I did, only I used 'diff' and 'webget' and just put a sleep in a loop
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Post by canine »

MerickOWA wrote:Thats similar to what I did, only I used 'diff' and 'webget' and just put a sleep in a loop
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Post by m!nus »

i did a php script that just compared the string in the HTTP response.
if it is it searches for "is" and ":" and sends the word after it as solution. it almost worked when i used it except the fact that i forgot to remove the space after "is"/":" :)
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Post by falcon2424 »

I just had a cron job "wget filelocation" from a temp directory.

Then I just had to ls -al in the directory, and looked for the file with the different filesize.
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Post by the_impaler »

I did it in windows - used "for /L" loop to change the time and lwp-request to get page and piped it to "findstr /V"
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Post by beginning »

I used Unity3D (hope that doesn't disqualify me) with this code:

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var url : String;
var minutes = 0;

function Start () {
	while (true) {
		minutes += 1;
		print("Refreshed. Minutes: " + minutes);
		var www = new WWW(url);
		yield www;
		if ( != "<html><body>\nback later") {
			print (;
		yield new WaitForSeconds(40);
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Post by sigi »

I let the following ruby program run overnight:

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require 'net/http'

text = nil

  text = Net::HTTP.get_response('','/challenge/misc/minuteman.php').body
  sleep 10
end while text =~ /back later/"answer.txt", "w") { |f| f.puts text }
Then I picked up the answer in the file the next day.

I'm exploiting the fact that the begin/end block is ran at least once (even though the 'text' variable is still 'nil' before the first iteration). This is worth mentioning because it wouldn't work if the while condition was attached to a single statement/expression.
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Post by eike42 »

At what time was yours? Mine was about 5am :lol:
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Post by simon »

here my answer in sh. at least no files are needed...

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answer="back later" ; while [ "$answer" == "back later" ] ; do answer=`wget -O- 2> /dev/null | sed 's|<.*>||g' | sed '/^$/d'` ; echo -n "." ; sleep 45 ; done ; echo "Answer: $answer"
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Just Batch

Post by macdachs »

wait 10
goto start

Wget renames automaticly the file. After 24 hours i sorted the files to there size: 4.52h
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Post by aurora »

this is my php script i ran on one of my servers using nohup. in the meantime i logged out and went to sleep.

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#!/usr/bin/env php


do {

    $c = file_get_contents('');
} while(strpos($c, 'back later') !== false);

print $c;

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Post by Belriel »

Mine was almost the same as aurora's. Running with PHP on command line after some time I had the answer written in the console. But I needed several days because the script stopped execution a few times due to network timeouts.

Code: Select all

$url = "";
$text = file_get_contents($url);
while(strpos($text,"back later") != false){
	$file = @file_get_contents($url);
	if($file != false) $text = $file;
echo $text;
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Post by rajahten »

I used this python script, which i made.
Guess i could've made it with less code, but i'm still learning :D

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import urllib
import time

proxy = {'http': 'proxyurl'}
opener = urllib.FancyURLopener(proxy)
finished = False
compare = 'back later'

while not finished:
	f ="")
	string =
	s = string[13:]
	if s != compare:
		print 'content displayed at ' + time.ctime(time.time()) + ' is: ' + s
		file = open('tempdump.txt', 'w')
		file.write('the content displayed at ' + time.ctime(time.time()) + ' is: ' + s);
		finished = True
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Post by masgo »

i let cron start a bash-script every minute

the script got the page with wget and then did a diff with the default "come back later" page. is the diff wasnt equal the output of diff was written to a file.
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