Hack this site - They deserve it /http://www.waitlaugh.com/

Discussion about hacker.org's server
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Have you recieved spam from this offender ?

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Joined: Sun Nov 18, 2007 7:24 pm

Hack this site - They deserve it /http://www.waitlaugh.com/

Post by HackNUS »


This is a site that sells drugs illegally to U.S. consumers. Thats cool whatever, but the real kick in the balls is that this site is responsible for one of the biggest spam campaigns going on right nowand reaching your INBOX !. They send millions of emails to your boxes every day especially for drugs like viagra or cialas. After several days of being flooded with 500 or more emails in a matter of a few mins I decided I have had it with the losers !

It's an all out war on this site, the owners I am sure have not done the actually spamming, but they are paying the spammers who are.

GO GET EM BOYS - teach em a lesson- I plan to !

Good Day sirs,

Hack N U.S.
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