the prime days of this site are over, unfortunately. I have made a little graph to confirm this:
The graph shows the number of active (e.g. solved at least one challenge) users in a 28-day window (scrappend from the solvers.php pages), the first solved challenge was on mar 28, 2008. You can see a peak in august 2008, when this page was features
Another smaller peak in october 2010 - and then its just a decline...
raw data: ... 083294abf0
I miss this site...
Re: I miss this site...
لقد عرّفتني تجربة العب اون لاين روليت في YYYY على لعبة كازينو سهلة ومثيرة في نفس الوقت. فطريقة لعبها البديهية وجولاتها المثيرة تجعلها خياراً رائعاً لكل من اللاعبين المبتدئين والمتمرسين على حد سواء.