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Post by AMindForeverVoyaging »

rmplpmpl wrote:gosh, did this, but I won't tell you my #s of instructions... for King Mouse I will have to strip it down significantly...
You are certainly not alone, my HVM solutions take up many instructions too. Sucks when you need to get below a certain threshold. :(
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Post by MatRush »

horst wrote:01+0^<0<:1:01-:5?0^<0>0^45*1-:3?1c0<p

I thought 37 instructions weren't that bad until I saw that mouse challenge :shock:
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longer better faster stronger

Post by lamedog »

If you can make it short make it efficient too, this is my long code:

* It doesn't use (abuse) the call stack
* It doesn't write on memory nor damaging the input data
* It uses at most 5 elements of the stack

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Post by adark »

While I enjoyed writing this, it will definitely be a challenge to do the more brutal short ones.

Here's my code:

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It abuses the call stack to return to the loop counter, doesn't freeze on 0 or negative inputs, and uses at most 5 slots on the stack, when swapping out the largest num.
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Post by reesylou »

I am spoiled, in that I usually work with high level languages. I have recently been trying to get my head around using lower level languages and was pretty happy with my solution until I saw some of the ones here (and comments about call stack and efficiency)

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I'm going to improve this, now I realize I can use the goto jump instead of a subroutine call. Funnily enough, I would have thought the subroutine call would have been "better practice".
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