Broken Image

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Broken Image

Post by moose »

Are we supposed to find the one byte which is wrong by hand?
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Post by laz0r »

No :P
I assume you know the file structure of a PNG - try following that through by hand and see if something's wrong.
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Post by moose »

Well, I found the PNG (Portable Network Graphics) Specification, Version 1.2.

[edited because DaymItzJack though I would give too much information]

But my hex-editor has no possibility to jump to a certain byte and I don't want to count up to [edited]. Do you know a good hex editor for Linux (GNOME / Ubuntu)?

Edit: The tEXt chunk is not valid, as it should contain as its first data a keyword (source). But thats more than a single byte.
Last edited by moose on Tue Aug 30, 2011 4:20 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by bsguedes »

You're so close :)

If your hex editor has a search function it should be enough.
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Post by moose »

Thanks bsguedes :D got it.
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Post by DaymItzJack »

Some of your posts are giving away a little too much information in my opinion.
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Post by rain1024 »

my hint: tEXt is ok, focus in another field.
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Post by Napoleon »

isn't it Funny how one single corrupted byte can render the whole image useless. ?

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