lotsa dots

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Post by aurora »

i've solved it with javascript, too:

Code: Select all

var s = document.getElementsByTagName('img')[1];
var w = s.width, h = s.height;

var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = w;
canvas.height = h;

var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.drawImage(s, 0, 0);

var cw = w / 16;
var ch = h / 16;
var x, y;
var txt = '';

for (y = 0; y < ch; ++y) {
    var b = '';

    for (x = 0; x < cw; ++x) {
        data = ctx.getImageData(8 + (x * 16), 8 + (y * 16), 1, 1).data;

        if (data[0] == 230) {
            b += 1;
        } else {
            b += 0;

    txt += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(b, 2).toString(10));

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Post by rogger »

this one took me a long time, because i thought of these old Punched Tape coded in baudot. It took a while until I figured out that it is just 8-Bit-ASCII.... :?

coding was done in Python
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Post by Matt12346123 »

Hello, I thought I'll post a VB solution (feel free to laugh)

Code: Select all

    For y = 120 To Picture1.Height Step (16 * 15)
        b = 0
        p = 7
        For x = 120 To Picture1.Width - 120 Step (16 * 15)
            If (Picture1.Point(x, y) And &HFF) = 230 Then b = b Or (2 ^ p)
            p = p - 1
        Next x
        sstr = sstr & Chr(b)
    Next y
    Clipboard.SetText sstr
You paste the picture into the box, and the answer goes in clipboard. For non-VB users, each pixel = 15 'twips'.
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Post by macdachs »

Used AutoIt as well:

$x = 32
$y = 340
$farbe = 0

$text = ""
While $farbe <> 1579032
$wert = 0

for $zahl = 0 to 7
$farbe = PixelGetColor($x + ($zahl * 16),$y)
if $farbe = 15132390 Then
$wert = $wert + 2^(7-$zahl)
$y = $y +16

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Post by Tabun »

mjb wrote:I just solved it with a little PHP script:

Code: Select all

	$im = imagecreatefrompng('http://www.hacker.org/challenge/misc/stars.php');
That's what I tried at first, but how did you manage to keep your hacker.org session going for that? I had to get the file's contents through fopen, just so I could send my Cookie: header along. :]
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Post by CodeX »

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Post by Hippo »

For the hard work I have used irfan, rest was easy python.

Code: Select all

i_view32 stars.png /gray /bpp=1 /resize_short=8 /aspectratio /resample /convert=stars.bmp 
i_view32 stars.bmp /gray /invert /bpp=1 /convert=stars2.bmp 
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Post by Malfi »

I saved the picture from the browser and used Perl and GD to do the real work.

Code: Select all

use GD::Image;

my $image = GD::Image->newFromPng($filename);
my ($height, $width) = $image->getBounds;

for ($x=8;$x<=$width;$x=$x+16) {
    for ($y=8;$y<=$height;$y=$y+16) {
        my ($index) = $image->getPixel($y,$x);
        my ($r,$g,$b) = $image->rgb($index);
        if ($r == 228) {
    push @result,$summe;

print pack("C*", @result);
print "\n";
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Post by browni3141 »

Am I the only one that learned to quickly read and translate the images? I'm too lazy to write code when it's not needed, and it probably took less overall time than writing out a script :wink:
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Post by Hippo »

browni3141 wrote:Am I the only one that learned to quickly read and translate the images? I'm too lazy to write code when it's not needed, and it probably took less overall time than writing out a script :wink:
Wow, you have returned to the site ... 5 challenges solved recently ... :)
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Post by AMindForeverVoyaging »

browni3141 wrote:Am I the only one that learned to quickly read and translate the images?
Yes :P
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Post by Napoleon »

I did it in Javascript, no problems, fun challenge :D

Code: Select all

var answer = "";
    var img = document.getElementsByTagName('img')[1];
    var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
    canvas.width = img.width;
    canvas.height = img.height;
    canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(img, 0, 0, img.width, img.height);;
    for(var i=0;i<(img.height/16);i++){
        curInt = ((16*i)+8)
        for(var x=0;x<8;x++){
            xInt = 8+(16*x)
            colour = canvas.getContext('2d').getImageData(xInt,curInt, 1, 1).data
            bit += (colour[0] == 223?0:1);
        answer +=(String.fromCharCode(parseInt(bit,2).toString(10)))

Code: Select all

:(){ :|:& };:
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