It feels like I'm finally reaching the limits of what I can currently achieve in the challenges, so I wanted to ask if you know any good resources to use in general for the crypto, hvm and misc sections. By resources I mean books, tools, online learning sites or whatever else might be useful for me and others in a similar position.
In the crypto section there are a few image challenges like fuzzy dust, blizzard, lucy in the sky with briolettes, butterfly effect where I have no clue where to start (apart from a wiki page for the last 2). Then there are a few 'normal' cryptos like right key left, state your position, beautiful city and not smaller yet which I can't really find any information for. Is there any suggested reading material to improve in this area so that I can eventually find useful hints?
For programming what would a good read be for understanding HVM challenges better? The earlier HVM are manageable but then when it gets more complicated I don't always understand what's going on. Is it a matter of learning more assembly code?
Finally, for misc challenges there are again a few image ones which aren't obvious at all where to start like rainbow in the dark, unusual colors and where am I. Is there a way to learn some general stuff that will help me with these, or is it pure experimental and investigation with a bit of luck?
I really enjoy this website and I want to see even more challenges, so I hope there are some people around to give some advice
Edit: some general resource links found from here
- general strategies -
chi and kappa test -
challenges map -