Didactic text 2

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Post by Stingrey »

those numbers are really provided enough information, I worked on this for nearly one day
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Post by fragman »

Just solved it basically by putting it out of my mind for some time (a month) and approaching it again afterwards.

It's not really "easy", but the decoding is REALLY simple. Once you have the numbers you don't need any book anymore.
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Post by Epiq »

Oh my... Thank you guys for pointing out that the solution is simple enough :D

For those who got as far as to reading my comment: characters 4 and 6 are the same, and characters 5, 10 and 11 are the same as well :)

If even this does not help, then take a moment to switch to a cup of coffee :)
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Post by speedfire »

Haha finally after 2 hours !!! But if you didn't try to find the sentence and instantly understood about the book! Haha good luck ! And I confirm it. When you have the numbers it's easy to find the answer but I know sometimes you want to do something too complicated ^^
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Post by lejpolo »

Maybe Epiq is helping too much...but he's right...you must be very desperate to get here :D I almost gave myself a headshot. A very handful crypto though...:)
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Post by Thulsadum »

After I read the first two sides of posting, I got it by first attempt! :D

Unfortunately, I tried some cryptanalysis in before. :/
2*b || !2*b
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This is final hint you should need

Post by karsmars »

Epiq wrote:
For those who got as far as to reading my comment: characters 4 and 6 are the same, and characters 5, 10 and 11 are the same as well :)

If even this does not help, then take a moment to switch to a cup of coffee :)
Okay, this is an amazing hint. Look at the hint, and then look at the list of numbers in earlier posts!!!
You really should be able to get it after this. :)

By the way, as mentioned in earlier posts, the word will just "resemble" an English word, (sort of sound like one) but it is certainly not a real word.
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Post by magnus »

An Urban Dictionary is helpful when you are not english (or american) native-speaking.
For me - as a german - i've never heard of that word before.
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You said simple, its hell easy!

Post by Juantxi »

Been working on it for like 2hours, and read the whole thread to find a clue on what to do after i had tried everything... but no, i hadnt tried the easiest solution ever and the most stupid one, and yes, its easy to find the answer as a non native speaker, and although some gave too much hint, i almost killed myself when i got the answer!
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Post by tutle003 »

I feel dumb... just now got it... I'll toss a hint- it's the punchline to a very bad, and politically incorrect joke. Don't be discouraged if it appears as if the spelling is wrong. Chances are, it isn't.
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Post by snoopy1alpha »

Epiq wrote:Oh my... Thank you guys for pointing out that the solution is simple enough :D

For those who got as far as to reading my comment: characters 4 and 6 are the same, and characters 5, 10 and 11 are the same as well :)

If even this does not help, then take a moment to switch to a cup of coffee :)
OK, I don't like this challenge . . . But your hint made me solve it. Thank you very much!
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Post by eskombro »

Well, I finallt got it... Although a simple google search led me to the book and the numbers, I didn't know how to go to the next step... But yea, the "english word" is really a trcky thing, if your not native speaker (as me) but if you get in the rigth track, you will find that the word is really similar to an english word and you will know its rigth... And the hints given here are more that enough, but yet, sometimes it is kind of hard to think simple... so think simple, and as they say, you have enough information with those numbers, and even more... :)
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Post by DaveSofie »

Epiq wrote:Oh my... Thank you guys for pointing out that the solution is simple enough :D

For those who got as far as to reading my comment: characters 4 and 6 are the same, and characters 5, 10 and 11 are the same as well :)

If even this does not help, then take a moment to switch to a cup of coffee :)
Thanks, this gave me a clue.....
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