Poke Me

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Poke Me

Post by dangermouse »

I got quite fast the memory loading loop to poke the solution in the first chars of video memory. However, I could not make sense of the special chars printed.

I then understood what the code was doing. So, I started looking at initial conditions, moved the assembly in memory to other locations. Tried also to overwrite the RESET routine, which did not work as it is in ROM. Then, with poke 1,54 i tried to change the memory layout of the machine, to peak the chars from RAM or from the CHAR ROM. I tried to peek from the kernel ROM instead as from the basic rom, by modifying all mov instructions from Ayxx to Eyxx

I also tried other machines, the VIC, the C128 and the C16 in particular with no success, making sure to load the stuff in RAM.

By chance, i copy&pasted the initial solution from the emulator into a notepad and realized this was the solution. Funny enough, i already tried it, just i put a space too much inbetween! :-D

when i was a child, i used to copy huge lists from magazines. i understood completely what the BASIC listing where doing and also wrote my own BASIC games with sprites and joystick support, but had to wait until to university to grasp the assembly (the SPARC one). Now that i changed to the online hacker.org academy i start also grasping my first machine assembly! Yiipa
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