The Powers That Be

Discussion of challenges you have already solved
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Post by FreeFull »

bc, cat and a terminal window that tells you how wide and tall it is when you resize. Probably the easiest solution.
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Calculation Was Easy

Post by Millennium »

I did the calculations on a bignum calc in C++ that I had made long ago. I actually had added the option to display every xth digit. I just made a slight edit so that now I can choose what digit to start off of.
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Post by BosseBL »

lol...envy you phyton programmers. Im not gonna post my messy c++ code here.
I had to find a way to calculate the value part by part and store the answere in smaller bits in a vector.
must make a c++ class based on this problem, so I never have to mess with large number coding ever again.
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Post by Taurath »

First thing I've written in 5 years, and first time ever using ruby. I could clean this up, but this is what I did to solve:

Code: Select all

y = ((17**39)**11)
y = y.to_s
z = 0
x = y[z].chr

while x != nil do
	puts x
	z = z + 33
	x = y[z].chr
Of course, it pops a new number out each line. I know how to clean it now, but hey, its okay for a first run.
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Post by Seplik »

Hi all,

this is my solution in C# (.NET 4)

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using System;
using System.Numerics;

namespace ThePowerToBe
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            BigInteger ergebnis = BigInteger.Pow(17, 39 * 11);
            string tmp = ergebnis.ToString();

            for (int i = 0; i < tmp.Length; i++)
                if (i % 33 == 0)

Greets from Dresden

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Post by the_austria »

I calculate all digits with and copy it in this JS code:

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var str="7287646047175693809181003658560624690001934249475037583383410966869968575

for (i=0;i<str.length;i+=33)
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Post by space »

hobbist wrote:

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x = str(((17**39)**11)) 
x2 = ''
for i in range(0,len(x),33):
    x2 += x[i]
print 'powers that be ', x2

Gawd, I love python. Can't wait until I really start learning.
lol? :D
print str((17**39)**11)[::33]
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Java is easy enough

Post by pedromalta »

For the Math

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public BigInteger ThePowersThatBe(){
		BigInteger n17 = new BigInteger("17");
		return n17.pow(39).pow(11);

And to concatenate each 33rd

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public String ThePowersThatBe(BigInteger result){
		String retorno = "";
		int pivot = 0;
		while (true){
				retorno += result.toString().substring(pivot, pivot+1);
			}catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
				return retorno;
sudo apt-get a life
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Post by fuxx »

b:string((17^39)^11), for a : 1 thru slength(b) do (if mod(a, 33)=1 then printf(true, "~c", charat(b, a)))$
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Post by strongdrink »

Vim FTW!!
Use bc to calculate the number, then in vim:
l32dl (Repeat 16 times) :D
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This is confusing

Post by pgrigoruta »

Hello, I easily understood what needs doing and implemented it with PHP bcmath. Yet after reading:

"Now take every 33rd digit of x, starting with the first (most significant), and stick them together."

I interpreted as "use digits 33, 66 etc", while it looks like the needed digits are 1, 34 etc. Luckily there are some hints in the not-done forum to clarify this, but since I look at hints as a last resort I ended up doing the calculation in multiple languages as I never suspected the issue was with correctly interpreting the challenge. I think a better challenge text would be:

"Take the first digit then every thirty-third digit after it, i.e. digit 1, digit 34, digit 67 etc, and stick them together."
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Post by th4wri »

java :

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import java.math.BigInteger;

public class ThePowersThatBe {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		BigInteger b = new BigInteger("17");
		b = b.pow(39);
		b = b.pow(11);
		String resOp = b.toString();
		String sol = "";
		for(int i=0;i<resOp.length();i=i+33)
			sol += resOp.charAt(i);


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Post by Balian_von_Ibelin »

solved it in haskell

x = show ((17^39)^11)
getX :: [Char] -> [Char]
getX "" = ""
getX y = head y : getX (drop 33 y)

getX x = solution

first time i can use it for something after i had to learn it while studying
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