Lotsa Dots

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Lotsa Dots

Post by nto »

I've been looking at this challenge for a while now but I'm nowhere near figuring out what exactly it wants from me. Can anyone give me a hint in the right direction?

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Post by Karian »

Although, with reloading, the number of rows can change, the number of columns is always 8. Each row has it's own meaning, for you to find out what exactly.

If you still can't find it with this, look back in the didactic challenges you solved, and try to make a link with this one. There is one out there that is more or less the same as this one, just not with a picture.
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Post by nto »

Thanks for the tip, I'll try and examine it some more :)
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Post by gsjfoe »

heyyy...does anybody in here know how to stop that countdown?
i took a long time to translate that picture...,
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Post by DaymItzJack »

I found a way to translate faster rather than stopping the countdown.

It is possible to change the time though too I guess, I just tried it.
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Post by gsjfoe »

how come?any hint?
i have try disable java and javascript...but the countdown still goes on..although it disapear rom screen..thanks...i am waiting..
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Post by DaymItzJack »

Actually I'm not positive if you can change the time past 20 seconds, I changed the javascript to give me 5000000 seconds but even after solving the challenge, it gave me the same 'you were supposed to solve it in 20 seconds' answer.

There is still the solution of reading the picture faster.
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Post by gsjfoe »

how can translate so fast? my fastest record only 90 sec...,hints please..
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Post by MindFreakz »

If you can't do it ... maybe you should create something that can do it that fast.
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Post by gsjfoe »

program?:( :( :( :(
oh...no...i have no background about any language...,but thanks for the hint.., but what should i write in my program....for make that program can detect dots?or i give it a couple of eyes? :P :P :P :P , sorry just kidding...,
i really stressed out, why this countdown %^&$#$%$#%#...zzzzz:twisted: :twisted:
shhh..need more study.. :arrow:
too hard for me..:P :P :P :P
i wonder...where this and those people studied??... :shock: :shock:, making a program so easily..
:roll: :roll: :roll:
sshhh..., learn...learn...learn....slowly..
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Post by laz0r »

Didn't study as such - just picked it up! Find problems (simple ones to start off with - I recommend Project Euler as a starting ground) and think how you might solve them. Read up a bit on basic programming; pick a language to start in. Every problem you come across, think how you might solve it by computer. It just gets natural after a little while.[/url]
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Post by DaymItzJack »

Actually it gets too natural and I find myself analyzing games and the way they coded or how they coded certain things.

@gsjfoe: Learn a language like Python, it's really easy and powerful. You can practically do every single one of these challenges using Python.
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Post by gsjfoe »

@ laz0r

thanks for the tip... hey i found pypng,:D ...start learning....but..i think it will be a long time...

:D :D ,
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Post by DaymItzJack »

gsjfoe wrote:@ laz0r

thanks for the tip... hey i found pypng,:D ...start learning....but..i think it will be a long time...

:D :D ,
Might want to try PIL, seems like it's a better library.
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