java compiler

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java compiler

Post by Aghamemnon »

Most of the games if it wasn't all of it need java to code

Can any one please tell me where to find java compiler and some books and tutorials too
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Post by jeetee »

I do not know where you got that idea from, but to my knowledge, Java still isn't widely spread for games, except for some browser-games, due to (former) performance issues.
I believe most of the big games where programmed upon C(++) engines, although I have the impression C# is rising, because of XNA and the XBOX-involvement.

Anyway, finding a Java environment can be as easy as asking it to a search engine. The two most popular IDE's that are free would be NetBeans and Eclipse.
I've seen some recommendations for BlueJ as a starters environment as well.
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Post by CodeX »

Guessing you mean the games on the home page of this site, they use a mix of JAVA (Bot,Worm,M), Flash(MC,RR,OOU,B,P) or JavaScript(TW,CF). If you intend to make games then your probably best starting of with Flash which uses ActionScript as it's scripting language, you could use Adobe Flash or a free alternative for developing flash games or you could use Adobe Flex which is more aimed at making 'flashy' websites but it does look like Pusherboy was made with it. JavaScript is all right for very simple 2D games it's generally best off used for providing functionality on web pages and it's game potential is rather limited.

As for 'proper' games jeetee's covered that, but C++ game development is a fair bit trickier that flash but ultimately has much more potential which is why it is used in all the top quality games of today and C# game development for Xbox costs the developer some money, and when it comes to starting off things you are best keeping cost to a minimum (0) just in case you don't get on with it which I guess you probably wouldn't. If you know C# then you can use DirectX with it for Windows game development but that's still a lot to manage unlike with flash. Java games are really rather rare, usually toy projects by people who've learnt JAVA at uni, the only large scale game I can think of that uses it is Runescape and even then by the standards of other games on the graphical front it's rather lacking even with their switch to OpenGL, I think you shouldn't try games in JAVA unless you are already doing JAVA anyway and want to mess around a bit.

Anyway, I think flash is the way to go for you if you are interested as most games online use it, both on this site and places like Newgrounds which are packed with them, probably has something to do with it being a flash portal. There are tutorials all over the net and lists of IDEs for it too, so if your interested get Googling.
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