i want to learn

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i want to learn

Post by kain12 »

hi guys, i want to learn hacking sites.
how can i hack a site .
i want to be a profesion some told me in alot of sites, learn python. some said c++ and some c+.
can anybody give me his mail and be a teacher for me.
or even tell me here how can i start .
this is my mail contact me karim20096@yahoo.co.uk
dont try to hack me :wink:
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Post by Liidian »

Just had this vision and 'bout retards learning how too hack.
The whole "system" is a number of people creating a code all together, this code loops and is there for a "system".
System Zero could also be confirmed with one word "Hacker's"
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Post by alternateblackhat »

kain iim sorry to inform you, you dont hack right off the bat...if u think that ur a moron. hacking takes years to learn. if u want to be a half desent hacker and still go to school cus obviously ur still in elementry cus u used ur real name >> another sign of being a class F hacker wanabe. plan to read and learn 2 or so years worth of languages. there were atleast 9 languages on my list.

start with python. learn it urself. books are about 1.2k pages long. no one will teacher you how to hack because ur question was so sincerely ignorant, take the time to look up what hacking is before u ask stupid questions.
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Post by PaRaDoX »

Liidian wrote:Just had this vision and 'bout retards learning how too hack.

~You are a glitch in my reasoning.
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Post by seller_birth1992 »

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Post by CodeX »

Does anyone else suspect seller_birth1992 of being a spam bot that starts with a load of posts that don't get counted as usual spam so when the payload spamming commences it looks less suspicious to the spam filter? Me neither
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Post by baha'a »

CodeX wrote:Does anyone else suspect seller_birth1992 of being a spam bot that starts with a load of posts that don't get counted as usual spam so when the payload spamming commences it looks less suspicious to the spam filter? Me neither
well all of his posts are either smilies or the base row left hand characters "asdf"

so it's really suspicious but can a bot register in the forums can it pass the test???
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Post by CodeX »

Is there even a test on this forum? A lot of captchas on the net are easy to get through programatically either by processing the image or by looking at data related to the captcha and I think the only form of forum protection here is you can't start a thread unless you have done something like 10 levels in a game or done a challenge, still leaves spammers to post on existing threads though.
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Post by baha'a »

thanks Codex for the info

I really like your posts they are so interesting, easy, and rich in information

however it's really annoying that a site like this is not protected from spammers properly.
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Post by CodeX »

It's just as well I like bestowing my knowledge and opinions on everyone in an interesting and simple manner then :D

I too find the scourge's presence here a bit of an annoyance i.e. spambots, nubs going around PMing "Will you be my friend", "teach me to hack", "hack this" ect.

Maybe if hacker.org had some sort of article writing/indexing/search facility for things like reverse engineering, web development, security and programming tutorials then the people who come to hacker.org looking for some hackerly wisdom will find something that will keep them off of the forums, yes I know thats a poor and unlikely reason but I quite like the idea of hacker.org having articles for its users (like on OSI and hackthissite) as this site must get thousands of hits a week and it would be nice to see most people getting something from their visit, but I wont hark on here about my ideas here as that could go on forever and it's irrelevant to this thread.

If something like Akismet were to be used (phpbb has a mod for it) then that could help filter the CCV spam without stoping new users who haven't completed any challenges from posting, but a more "final solution" to things could be to just stop anyone from posting if they haven't done any challenges or games but in the mean time it could be useful to get the services of some moderators to help clean up the place, I get all gleeful whenever I see that there are unread posts on the forum but it breaks my tiny little heart to see that its just spam which could have been smited :cry: I wouldn't mind doing this myself as I used to have a phpBB2 forum a few years ago that coincidentally even had the same main skin (acid tech green, just to add to my endless trivia) and like to pretend I'm fair and reasonable which is something else that can be handy for a mod (sells self to the powers that be).

As I'm sure by now you are thinking this is quite a rant, if you do then your not alone as at least I too think that :P

this is nothing of interest, you just wasted your time
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Post by baha'a »

well it's not that bad for someone like you (I'm not saying you're so good or smart or etc, because I don't really know you and don't have the tech knowledge to judge you) to compliment himself

and it's really nice to have some mod ,how ever I noticed that hacker.org is not intended to be a discussion forum as much as challenges site

and again thanks for the info in the post especially the OSI link. :D
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Post by CodeX »

It just seems like theres a fair bit of potential for hacker.org to be more, cleaned up forums could be a start. There must be a fair bit of traffic on here from google and I'd be surprised if that traffic has a good rate of people joining and benefiting from the challenges or the forums, judging by how these forums are hardly bustling. I guess a lot of the people who do stumble through here are looking for information which hacker.org itself isn't really geared up towards and they probably aren't going to be aware that the site offers challenges as most people will come in from links to the forums and it's posts, as the forums and challenges are very disconnected for browsing. A unified navigation scheme i.e. a navigation bar on all pages to take you to the forums, challenges & games. Admittedly this would probably be quite a large undertaking to get it consistent across the site as the current varying page layouts don't lend themselves to a simple solution such as a floating quick-link bar on every page.

The traffic could result in more revenue generated by the advertisements which is at least one incentive for the managers, which should be enough to sustain a high quality dedicated server which could be put to use by running more BitBath and Wormageddon games, offer shell account rewards, have RootThisBox style challenges, host IRC or whatever else, with plenty of surplus money.

There's loads of potential for hacker.org, aside from the previously mentioned possibilities that could come from dedicated hosting, there could be other things such as articles like I said in the last post, user profiles maybe showing skill sets and more detailed challenge information and maybe a blurb which could be useful for things like project collaboration like sourceforge, could have simple code sharing too like Coder Profile.

Articles get in vast quantities of visitors as www.osix.net experiences with over 100,000 hits on the articles a month but unfortunately they haven't done much with it and it is a collection of stagnating articles with quite a drastic range in quality and a fairly poor article system which makes browsing though the site for relevant articles a load of effort which detracts from the quality of the site which I think is why they have a hard time getting new articles; I'm an editor on there and they are lucky to get 2 article submissions a month and most of them are little more than 2 lines of rubbish (as anyone can submit an article for consideration) that don't end up published. I think the reason for the lack of new articles on OSI is that the community doesn't attract particularly skilled individuals, all it has to attract them is 13 general and 11 reverse engineering challenges which you have to trudge through sequentially, most of the people are beginners who come by looking for a calculator made in VB6.

Given the community that exists on hacker.org I think an article system could flourish with new articles on the wide range of things that the users here are knowledgeable in.

It would require a lot of work and a major redesign to do any of these but I think it would be very much worth the work for the improved uptake of visitors on here, who would get to do the challenges if they stumbled into the forms and there was a global navigation thing going on and I think that the members of this community must have some brilliant knowledge to share with articles/tutorials which everyone could benefit from. An example of a similar existing site/community is hackthissite which has forums, IRC, articles/tutorials and a variety of challenges.

Aiming high FTW
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Post by baha'a »

rich info Codex

but I hope it benefits :)
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Post by CodeX »

I concur, now it's time to wait for bok/adum to come by and be utterly inspired :P
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