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why hypothetical?

Post by Prohacker57 »

why hypothetical? if someone wants to rob something or someone using a computer, then why not?
if there are people in need of money or just to do it for fun and they really have the skill and knowledge to do it than they could. but the discussion here is how and when are they going to do it. if a person just wants to know the possible ways of doing it than they could ask it here, but if they want to discuss the the possible ways to actually do it than he or she could.
like now, i am asking is it possible to create a virus that could go inside any bank and take all the money and transfer it to a credit card?
or is it possible to create a credit card with infinity cash? so you can buy everything on e bay?
or is it possible to connect your computer to your credit card and put it in the cash machine and take all the money from that machine and put it on your credit card?
now i am just saying this in a hypothetical way.
but if someone really wants to do these things for real than non of us can stop them right?
except of course the police, FBI,CIA and the secret service :D
i hope you get my point.
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Re: why hypothetical?

Post by plope0726 »

Wow! :lol:
I'm almost speechless. This is the dumbest shit I have ever read.
Prohacker57 wrote:why hypothetical? if someone wants to rob something or someone using a computer, then why not?
if there are people in need of money or just to do it for fun and they really have the skill and knowledge to do it than they could. but the discussion here is how and when are they going to do it. if a person just wants to know the possible ways of doing it than they could ask it here, but if they want to discuss the the possible ways to actually do it than he or she could.
Well that part made no sense whatsoever. Except perhaps in the mind of someone living in Wonderland.

Prohacker57 wrote: like now, i am asking is it possible to create a virus that could go inside any bank and take all the money and transfer it to a credit card?
Sure great idea. But in order to use this "credit card" it has to have a legitimate number, otherwise it would just be a piece of plastic. That being said you would be traced within a matter of days. And if you are in the States like your profile suggests, you would be in jail by the end of the week.

Prohacker57 wrote: or is it possible to create a credit card with infinity cash? so you can buy everything on e bay?
credit card with infinity cash? quite the conundrum :lol:
anyhow, they already have this, it's called no credit limit (not to be confused with $0 limit)
Prohacker57 wrote: or is it possible to connect your computer to your credit card and put it in the cash machine and take all the money from that machine and put it on your credit card?
How do you suggest the computer get all those 20s out of the ATM? Are you gonna beat it with your computer?
Prohacker57 wrote: now i am just saying this in a hypothetical way.
but if someone really wants to do these things for real than non of us can stop them right?
except of course the police, FBI,CIA and the secret service :D
i hope you get my point.
Why the hell do you morons keep mentioning the CIA? they are not a law enforcement organization. CIA stands for Central Intelligence Agency. In a basic sense, this means that they gather information. They don't arrest people. And once again if you are in the states like your profile suggests and are really this stupid. You would be bagged and tagged in a matter of weeks. Perhaps we'll see on you the news soon.
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Post by VisaHacker »

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Post by PaRaDoX »

Well when i said discussion is hypothetical, i meant that we weren't willing to go into details.

And robbing places is more fun in person. Computers take away the fun :(


~You are a glitch in my reasoning.
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Post by XayOn »

VisaHacker wrote:well at the end of the day i aint got time for arguements... I have made a serious income from my skills. I Have what most ppl could dream of so i cant be that much of a script kiddy aye guys, Fraud mite be against the law but when your earning over 500k / year who gives a flying fcuk? i bounce my network threw 3 public networks to achive ip's that banks and security systems cant detect so 1 i dont get traced and 2 i dont get bloked.
i could show u screen shots now of admin control over the Natwest Cashering system but im not here to boast or show off. i came to ask some q's.
Oh welllike i said im no kid or here for the hassle so gd look guys and speak to all soon.
Then I suppose you're well protected, and of course, not accesing from your home connection, NEVER used your username with it...:wink:
Actually, if you're stealing that much, what if they trac you, you're confessing here.
Even if that's not a valid confession, they'll end catching you, they can just spy you.
Directly, if you really were to earn that much, you won't tell anyone, you'll keep all in secret, you'll learn by yourself, as you surely did scamming...
Of course, that supposing you've ever done that... ; 8)
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Post by PaRaDoX »

XayOn wrote:
VisaHacker wrote: Of course, that supposing you've ever done that... ; 8)

~You are a glitch in my reasoning.
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Post by XayOn »

XayOn wrote:
VisaHacker wrote: Of course, that supposing you've ever done that... ; 8)
First of all, did you have any need to shout me?
Second, if you don't understand an irony, blame yourself, not me.
It's quite unpolite to shout at me without any argument and completly misunderstanding what I said...
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Post by VisaHacker »

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Post by XayOn »

VisaHacker wrote:lmao... if you or banks could trace me then please do try. im not a kid who sits in front of a pc all day trying new things out to gain entry on on some 15yr olds pc for a laugh or to hack a website to steal info. im in it to win it!!! i make money out of hacking, cracking, exploits, loop holes and ect... and u say i tell you here? so what?? what can you possible do with the info ive let lose? Tell the police and they inform the banks and the banks up there security and change passwords and logins? i have internal source's and internal access in some places so what a load of use that would be? now u think why do i say this? Because its the year 2009 not 1880 where ppl keep things to there self, these days hacks and exploits last a matter of weeks maybe months so in that time you aim for the most you can get and u need people to help you so u have to explain on some sort of line what you aim to do! i may look like an idiot to a lot of you, i couldnt care to be honest... a lot of the guys on here sit on here talking about things instead of doing and making money... they sit in front of a pc eating, geting fat and being a slot skint. I live the high life... shag birds.. go to gym.. go on nights out with champain and drive a BMW M3 Soft top... so if you still think im some lame kid who dont know fuck all and cant do fuck all then good look in __YOUR__ Future. (Awaits Comments!!)
I know you don't mind what other people things, you fucking troll, but your manners and apparence you seem to me like a 15y.o child trying to play a hard game.
If you're not, you'll be caught, soon , I'll laught when I see you in the news.

And about that of sitting and don't doing foo bar blah blah... you didn't got the hacker concept.

PD: Reading your text was a pain, hope noone else do it.
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Post by plope0726 »

His writing is quite atrocious. And he talks a big game, but yet can prove nothing except hes full of shit. Because he said earlier he had admin rights but needed help getting access to the network, yet now he claims he has inside access and inside help. This tells me he's full of shit. :lol: On a side note if he's banking that much money he wouldn't be on here dicking around like this.
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Post by Zaffron »

I trust the stupidity of what he said based on your reactions. But for me, in that format, tl/dr.
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Post by VisaHacker »

Last edited by VisaHacker on Fri Feb 04, 2011 2:21 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by plope0726 »

Well what you say would make sense if of course you hadn't said earlier that you wanted somebody to connect from a wireless router in a branch to the network to help you. Because that would be on the internal network as well. You really are a dumb shit aren't you? and you just keeping making your story more and more unbelievable. You suck.
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Post by XayOn »

You're just demonstrating all that's a lie and you know nothing about networking.
You just told us how dumb you're.

Just answered this because I saw it funny, but now it's pissing me off.
Stop joking. Already.
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