I need a hcaker to bring down a porn site

Discussion about hacker.org's server
Posts: 13
Joined: Sat Jul 18, 2009 11:13 am

Post by VisaHacker »

lol i can think of the times i started to hack websites and didnt really know much about them... my friend once gave me a program called SynFlood.exe i thought it was the best thing since slice bread!! as a starter and wanabee hacker i would recomend this for your use. it wont work on most sites that have a good security system backing them but good fun for the ones it does work on. you can syn flood any ip and any ort you just have to know witch port to attack. I know there are many of syn flooders about but its been years and years since i had mine so i wouldnt know where to even get the one i had or what version it was. But good look let me know if you manage to abuse any porn sites ha. also i would recomend you use a proxy or some way of getting your self a fake ip.. or dos attack it from a public wireless location. i route my IP via 3 private wireless connection's just to even connect to the internet let alone try attacks or hacks. So be carefull dude.
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