Server hacked

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What the hack?! (no pun intended)

Post by Chocoholic »

What the hell are you talking about, tom...etc.?

Oh, and what happened to the server? Seemed to be down all sunday (GMT sunday, that is), saying something about "bad_httpd_config"... another hack? *wondering*
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Post by treader »

Who ever has hacked this site has surely hacked it for ether the fun of it or for revenge as its not going to do him any good.
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Post by Allosentient »

Torkopmania wrote:HAHAHAH OWEND!!!

List of all your usernames and passwords...

What a shame....

I wouldn't be surprised if this is the guy who did it. A lot of the people who are responding to this thread are being complete retards. If you are not going to say something intelligent, STFU or you are going to look like a moron in front of the thousands who will read that post of yours. For example, anybody can get anybody's IP address if they send a private message to somebody (I will leave out the other details so that the script kiddies don't take advantage) -- but who cares? Don't be stupid enough to use this email address/handle/password anywhere else. This is just another example of how stupid people (i.e. those who use the same password HERE of all places, as they do normally) get punished for being stupid.

The hacker community does not welcome people who do not have common sense or intelligence. We have plenty of those people in the world and we don't want you in our lives. I think I speak for a lot of real hackers out there when I say that we have had enough of these idiots who don't belong here. This includes crackers (people who steal passwords and call that being a hacker), people who pretend to be hackers but are code-illiterate (I know a few in real life), people who have watched a hacker movie and think they know what hacking is -- And in general, we are sick and tired of these god damn children who want us to teach them everything so that they can break their school's computer! This is a big FUCK YOU to each one of you that fits that description. I hope the FBI comes after you sorry n00bs for doing something stupid but you're probably too young to be tried as an adult anyway or probably live in a country that permits it anyway.

To the chinese hackers: Don't get cocky with the hacks you are doing on the other countries of the world. There are twists and turns of the internet created by its designers that you are unaware of, and Microsoft is more sophisticated than you may believe. Those flaws in the Microsoft security were put there for a reason, so that Microsoft itself can put tabs on your ass. I'm guessing more than 50% of the hackers in china are going to be targetted soon. I wouldn't want to be them.
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Post by plope0726 »

Allosentient wrote:
Torkopmania wrote:HAHAHAH OWEND!!!

List of all your usernames and passwords...

What a shame....

I wouldn't be surprised if this is the guy who did it. A lot of the people who are responding to this thread are being complete retards. If you are not going to say something intelligent, STFU or you are going to look like a moron in front of the thousands who will read that post of yours. For example, anybody can get anybody's IP address if they send a private message to somebody (I will leave out the other details so that the script kiddies don't take advantage) -- but who cares? Don't be stupid enough to use this email address/handle/password anywhere else. This is just another example of how stupid people (i.e. those who use the same password HERE of all places, as they do normally) get punished for being stupid.

The hacker community does not welcome people who do not have common sense or intelligence. We have plenty of those people in the world and we don't want you in our lives. I think I speak for a lot of real hackers out there when I say that we have had enough of these idiots who don't belong here. This includes crackers (people who steal passwords and call that being a hacker), people who pretend to be hackers but are code-illiterate (I know a few in real life), people who have watched a hacker movie and think they know what hacking is -- And in general, we are sick and tired of these god damn children who want us to teach them everything so that they can break their school's computer! This is a big FUCK YOU to each one of you that fits that description. I hope the FBI comes after you sorry n00bs for doing something stupid but you're probably too young to be tried as an adult anyway or probably live in a country that permits it anyway.

To the chinese hackers: Don't get cocky with the hacks you are doing on the other countries of the world. There are twists and turns of the internet created by its designers that you are unaware of, and Microsoft is more sophisticated than you may believe. Those flaws in the Microsoft security were put there for a reason, so that Microsoft itself can put tabs on your ass. I'm guessing more than 50% of the hackers in china are going to be targetted soon. I wouldn't want to be them.
No I wouldn't want to be them either...And as for the intentional flaws, I concur but I feel they are more devious reasons thantracking attackers. Aside from that, I'll second your "FUCK YOU" motion. :)
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ip ping

Post by abcvirus »

why don't we trace the vandals ip address? issue a ban...
and hack their things???
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Post by Chocoholic »

abcvirus: Maybe you should read Allosentient's post again... (this feels like talking to a wall)

Allosentient: I totally agree. Have some *thumbs up* for that post.
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Post by abcvirus »

HARHARHARIMARETARD :D :D :D :D that uses way too much :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: 's YAY?! user:abcvirus is user:retarded User:abcvirus 886064eg4n5 <---------------------- MY PASS! I'M A FUCKING NOOB!
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Post by Zaffron »

Project hash brown
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I'm not on the list

Post by Project hash brown »

- I can't find myself on there so I'm hoping my email is safe.
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Post by plope0726 »

The accounts that were compromised were started before I think november last year so if you created your account after that date you should be alright. i would still change my pw if I were you
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Post by abcvirus »

Hey does it have to do with strange programming on my account like:

Warning: ob_start() [ref.outcontrol]: output handler 'ob_gzhandler' cannot be used after 'URL-Rewriter' in /home/.mazie/hacker_apache/html/hacker/html/forum/includes/page_header.php on line 44

HARHARHARIMARETARD :D :D :D :D that uses way too much :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: 's YAY?! user:abcvirus is user:retarded User:abcvirus 886064eg4n5 <---------------------- MY PASS! I'M A FUCKING NOOB!
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Post by lolster »

lol Q_Q
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Post by loveishell »

Today i got an email:

Subject: Administration HackerORG

New web shell MD5_SUM: 4AEE79B9A862D842B282BD2048F1BA04

i didn't klick the link because its possibly a virus.

i think it has to do with the server hacking, but the problem here is that maybe many people here think that is a good resource and klick the link.

the sender was btw: Root User <>

maybe you should pin this thing in the forum to warn the people..
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Post by koolpop0 »

so who did it?
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Post by plope0726 »

koolpop0 wrote:so who did it?
Some kid calling himself thunder, apparently part of a group called the Moroccan Snipers defaced the home page (that was only, the forum was still accessible by entering the url directly) Some else also dumped all the user names and password for those register prior to Nov of last year, which that among other things leads me to believe this was done by someone else not "thunder".
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