Win32.Zafi.B trojian monitors, files, networks.
Anyone know what these are and how to remove them without any antivirus?
Anyone know what these are and how to remove them without any antivirus?
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- PaRaDoX
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feh, some like to trick antivirus quarantines, which then tell you its quarantined when it's not. i prefer to use antivirus to tell me where it is, then kill its process and delete it manually. and if a program is calling it (meaning it just restarts when you end it) search it as part of the file content and usually that turns up the pesky file calling it. then you can easily end it using task manager and delete it manually ( since you cant delete it while running ). or you can be lazy and use a batch :3BerryTheWest wrote:Do a program vs program.
But I have to know where to get them so I can study their movement and tactic.
Basically Anti-virus does it for you.
~You are a glitch in my reasoning.
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Well sometime it is within Top Level class virus, that you cannot delete it since it is read only after you reset a computer. So they usually do a injection to a DLL or any other files across the system directory and if you delete a file from System directory, your computer is dead.PaRaDoX wrote:feh, some like to trick antivirus quarantines, which then tell you its quarantined when it's not. i prefer to use antivirus to tell me where it is, then kill its process and delete it manually. and if a program is calling it (meaning it just restarts when you end it) search it as part of the file content and usually that turns up the pesky file calling it. then you can easily end it using task manager and delete it manually ( since you cant delete it while running ). or you can be lazy and use a batch :3BerryTheWest wrote:Do a program vs program.
But I have to know where to get them so I can study their movement and tactic.
Basically Anti-virus does it for you.
The Assistant of the Clan. The White Orders.
I asked the site creator if he needed moderators, and I was shocked when I got a reply, but he was stating they don't need any mods. :S.
Anyone able to..ethically.. for the greater good of, able to use an sql injection and gain entry?
Just kidding.
Anyone able to..ethically.. for the greater good of, able to use an sql injection and gain entry?
Just kidding.
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Re: VIruses........
What is Win32.Zafi.BS3th wrote:Win32.Zafi.B trojian monitors, files, networks.
Anyone know what these are and how to remove them without any antivirus?
Win32/Zafi.B is a worm spreading via e-mail and P2P networks.
Zafi.B worm is a moderately destructive worm that may cause antivirus and security products to stop working. It also may overwrite executables of installed security products. Zafi also disables RegEdit, MSconfig and the Task Manager and may also launch a DoS attack against several Hungarian web sites.
You can yourself search your computer manually.
Trojan.Zlob.B is a Trojan horse that opens a back door and allows a remote attacker to perform various actions on the compromised computer.
Threat Assessment
Wild Level: Low
Number of Infections: 0 - 49
Number of Sites: 0 - 2
Geographical Distribution: Low
Threat Containment: Easy
Removal: Easy
Damage Level: Medium
Distribution Level: Low
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Technical details
This malicious program is a hacking utility. It is a Perl script. The size of infected files may vary from 12KB to 69KB.Payload
This script is an IRC bot which is used to search for Remote File Inclusion (RFI) vulnerabilities.
Depending on the commands received, the bot can:
wipe log files
search for sites with RFI vulnerabilities. In order to find a site, the bot is given a keyword. It then uses the keyword with the following search services:
If sites are found which contain the substrings "buterfly" and "uid=" in the address, the malicious program ctreats a request which redirects the address to the following link:
The contents of this file will then be run on the site's web server. This provides the remote malicious user with access to the server.
The script also contains the following string:
Yogya Ceria Scaner Bot Created By eviL-Zone -= evil =-
Delete the original malicious program file (the location will depend on how the program originally penetrated the victim machine).
An updated TrojanHunter ruleset, containing 27639 ruleset entries, is available. This update adds 5 new trojan definitions:
I hope this gave you the answer to your question. And sorry I couldent get information on PackedMassAccess