looking for ip for xbox 360 loser
- cantfindme
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Thu Feb 26, 2009 7:02 am
looking for ip for xbox 360 loser
im looking to find out some ones ip address by a xbox live name is it even possible... this one kid dosent think ppl can find ip addresses and i just wanted to scare the kid a lil to leave me alone about it..... plzzzzz help
Try using a packet sniffer like wireshark ( http://www.wireshark.org/ ). Run it on a pc connected to the same network as the X-box. Start capturing packet. Then invite him to a game on the X-box. After he connects you should be able to go back to the packet sniffer and find the packets that contain YOUR Xbox's IP. The information you have for each packet will show the source IP and the Destination IP. You X-box will be one or the other. Of the packets that contain your X-box IP look for the ones with a foreign IP. I'm assuming you are on a router here so likely your IP will show as 192.168.x.x. So whatever IP don't start with 198.162 would be foreign. Now you will also have a WAN IP which is your IP on the Internet not your home network. You can determine this from your connection status and then clicking details. If he is the only one connecting to you X-box it should be the only IP that doesnt match your Local IP or WAN IP. That would be his IP address.
- cantfindme
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Thu Feb 26, 2009 7:02 am
nice i didnt even no that you could do that but sweet thanx man for the help
- cantfindme
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Thu Feb 26, 2009 7:02 am